One of my Windows 2000 servers was briefly upgraded to 2003 for a few days and then put back to 2000 once it was realised they couldn't get all the software working on 2003.
Now that it's back on 2000, I still have `Shadow Copy Components` rather than `System State` listed under the restore...
I've just finished restoring everything after upgrading the EPO box to Windows Server 2003, and no machines are shown in the left frame of the Update Domain task. Also, in the right-hand 'Computers in the group' frame, all the machines are crossed out as not belonging to the domain.
Well McAfee should know, after all, but duplicates can clearly be created even without a new MAC or hostname. And mine aren't going into Lost & Found, but into the same domain/group as their predecessors.
It's not really a problem; it's just weird.
But the mac address in the cases I'm seeing is the same. It's the same machine turning up twice when it's reinstalled.
Different generated unique ID I suppose.
I just found out we're thinking of deploying SP2 with the firewall on.
So, the current agent adds itself to the exception list when it's installed (as I'm sure most of you know) but that still doesn't help with the initial agent push. Does anyone have any more information about this yet?
I'm getting duplicate weirdness, too, but I'm not using any rogue detectors.
I'm only getting it for machines that have been formatted/reinstalled, which makes sense of a sort I suppose.
Been playing with the trial for a bit now and the deal breaker for us is that it can't block outgoing mail on a per-process basis.
Another year of AVD at least by the looks of it.
Any of you guys ever tried the F-Secure Policy Management Console?
I'd be interested in any opinions you might have, particulary regarding comparisons with McAfee's EPO.
alert() your arr[val1][val2] and colorarr[val1][val2] along with your oncolor variable. I haven't tested it but I'm pretty sure you'll have "undefined" flying around all over the place.
If you can't go from there on your own I'm sure someone here will help you.
There are a few ways you could do it. Examples ...
blah = document.getElementById( "maindiv" ).getElementsByTagName( "div" );
for ( var i=0; i < blah.length; i++ ) {
... etc ...
el = document.getElementById( "maindiv" );
for ( var i=0; i < el.childNodes.length; i++ ) {
if ( blah[ i...
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