This is a weird one. My pc acts strange when I connect it to my home router. It keeps showing me that my network cable is unplugged on my taskbar. So I opened my network connections and viewed the activity there. I noticed that it would open the connection for a few seconds then suddenly it...
Freestone, thank you for all your input. I finally managed to find the culprit. It was the scsi cable. Just replaced it and all worked out fine. Thank you again.
HAve been viewing drives in Disk Management all the time. I actually took the disk off of scsi id 0 and the disk at scsi id1 was recognized as scsi id0. Maybe I am doing something wrong with the scsi configuration..
Thank you all for all the replies. Thanksgiving weekend away. Freestone, "windows 2000 will only recognize the scsi drive on ID0", is there any reason why? I seem to agree with you on this because that is the only drive I see.
I have tried fdisk but all i get is an a prompt after the...
I have a Dell Precision 410 workstation which I am rebuilding. I have installed and IDE drive and 2 scsi hard drives. During start up the scsi host recognizes my scsi hard drives on ID0 and ID1, since I set the jumpers accordingly. I installed the windows 2000 operating system on the IDE drive...
I certainly did check the HCL and ran a compatibility test as well. I may have to check for a BIOS update though. Will post a solution if I find it there...
Recently I had upgraded a few client laptops to windows 2000. I replaced the drives with bigger ones which had windows 2000 pre-installed. I have since been receiving complaints that the laptops are hanging and the only solution is to reset the laptop. I've checked event viewer, the logs and the...
Thanks for the replies guys. I eventually formatted and re-imaged the drive and re-installed the software. Works fine now. Just didn't want to go through all this though.
Receive an error when loading the roxio easy cd creator gui. Somehow the recorder is not recognized. Have searched tirelessly for drivers for this burner but have found no success. Anyone with a solution?
Upgraded NT4 to 2000. Reloaded drivers. Updated Roxio easy creator software. Yet still I receive the error above. Roxio claims that this is the Klez virus. Ran the AV from a command prompt, but still no success. Anyone have any ideas???
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