What are you trying to do?
If you are looking at capturing performance info, use topaout -a, and nmon_analyzer.
Tony ... aka chgwhat
When in doubt,,, Power out...
you have to extend the partition.
see http://www.linuxnepal.com/2011/06/10/extend-the-size-of-ext3-partition-online-in-a-virtual-machine/
Tony ... aka chgwhat
When in doubt,,, Power out...
I do not know what you are trying to do, but have you thought of using the topasout on the files in /etc/dail/perf.
Tony ... aka chgwhat
When in doubt,,, Power out...
I think you have a few options in no particular order.
- Reformat to 2 LUNs, and assign their SCSI id to only one host. Each server will see just one lun, and no data will be shared. Unless you share over the network.
- Install windows cluster and allow one one server access to the LUNs. If...
Block devices can only be used by one computer at a time, unless you are using a cluster filesystem, which ntfs is not.
Tony ... aka chgwhat
When in doubt,,, Power out...
This is how we extend a cluster disk on the offline node.
So you extend the primary site which updates the local disk, let SDRF copy this update to the DR site. Then you import the vg which now contains the new volume at the DR site, without varyon at the dr site.
Tony ... aka chgwhat
I would think you could, but I have never tried this with SRDF.
primary: varyonvg -b -u VGNAME ( unloack vg )
secondary: importvg -LVGNAME -n HDISKX( not disk that was added )
secondary: lspv to verify disk is in vg
Primary: varyonvg -u VGNAME ( re-lock vg )
Tony ... aka chgwhat
When in...
I checked my 6100-04-01 it has bos.rte.edit_6.1.4.0.bff and inutoc show no pre-req, so I think that is it.
Tony ... aka chgwhat
When in doubt,,, Power out...
prtconf shows
The following resources are installed on the machine.
+/- = Added or deleted from Resource List.
* = Diagnostic support not available.
hdisk0 and hdisk2 are active in a volume group. so no preceding character.
+hdiskX show that the system knows it is there and can run diagnostic...
I see 2 local disk and one san lun from a DS4700/4800. The second local hard disk hdisk1 does not look like it is being used.
What does lspv show. Your local OS is not mirrored. Make sure you have a mksysb. What do you want to do, you have two local disk and are using only one.
Tony ... aka...
Have you looked at http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/aix/library/au-ssh_restrict/index.html this may provide the access restrictions you need.
Tony ... aka chgwhat
When in doubt,,, Power out...
I use pskill to kill a background process that I start with a bat file.
Tony ... aka chgwhat
When in doubt,,, Power out...
A newer HMC does not support a Power 4 system, these need a serial hmc connection.
You should be able to boot AIX diagnostics, and setup the array from there. You will need either a serial console, or local keyboard mouse and graphic if it has a graphics card.
Tony ... aka chgwhat
When in...
did you try
sftp> site I=dos J=mvs
sftp>put /u003/tmp/sop.dat //FTP.RCP.PS29.TRAN
Tony ... aka chgwhat
When in doubt,,, Power out...
I would look at http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/aix/v6r1/index.jsp?topic=%2Fcom.ibm.aix.cmds%2Fdoc%2Faixcmds4%2Fno.htm
The no command is for network tuning, but you should use oracle recommended settings. ndd is a HPUX or Linux option, Aix tuning is a little different. I don't know...
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