THERE's a program called thumbs plus 4 or something like that u can look it for and install it in your computer this can cause two things fix your problem or solve it using this program. Try it
My question is, if I use Flash can everyone or at least most of the please see what I did without any problem?
I understand that if you want to see flash files on a web site requires some special files installed in your computer.
But What I want to do is use flash being sure that most of...
I want to upload my cgi scripts on a webserver to this site
for instance: ""
but I don't know where the perl interpreter is in the web server so i don't know what to write on the shebang line("#!/usr/lib/perl") does my ISP has to provide this...
Could someone tell what do I need to config my Apache Webserver to run cgi scripts, and does it need special files install into de webserver directories?
In most CGI scripts I see this header
what does it means?
I understand that it says where my perl interpreter is?
but if it means that how do I know where the perl interpreter is in one paid site like
I am trying to set up my sistem to run cgi scripts I download apache web server when I test it if it running well it does, when I test my script with perl it is fine too.
When I try to run that script(cgi) file on the web server cause an error called INTERNAL ERROR and something about...
Victor I also have had some problems with Delphi versions sometimes I have had to restart my computer to able to run a form correctly and this only happen when I use Delphi.
You can try reassigning the icons and the caption and if that doesn't help do your menu or whatever over.
I understand that you are openning a new page into somethig that you called parent window, If it is in this way you can come back using window.location(URL) and using the name of the parent you reload it
Well my friend, I have been trying the same but the program which I use to desing websites has intelligence and it doesn't show under document any obeject call table or something like that. So, I think you cannot but if you really need to change that color my suggestion is use an image to that...
Well once I had similar problem. Are you sure that your typing rightly the password. And if that is not the problem check in your SQL Enterprise Manager / Security /Logins maybe someone touched this and Disabled or limited your rights to modify or see the DataBase Of course frames do not run into an applet so what you have to is called the frame from another class that is an applet.
import java.awt.*;
import java.applet.*;
public class Dragging extends Applet
private myFrame f;
private Button btn;
private TextField nickName;
I can make a socket works and what to do something relate to a chat Can I do that with sockets? and if can could you give an Idea or something do achieve it.
Please Mail me explain me what Data type has now and to what Data type Do you want to change. I wonder if the the column u has now has information and if it is "not null" or has a constraint...
I'll do everything I can if you explain me your question
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