I have a Partner VS Mail Ver. 1.0. How can I do a hard reset to factory defaults. I was told it's code 989 from the VS mail system programming menu but nothing happens when I try 989.
Thanks Brian. The vendor said we needed rel 3.1 or higher bt the docs for rel 3.0 said it was compatable, just needed confirmation ebfore we ordered the hardware. Appreciate the rapid response.
Does anyone know if a Parner Mail (not the VS module but the PC/ standalone unit) Release 1.9.2 will work with a Partner II release 3.0 processor based system? Thanks.
Sorry but I just ran into the same problem. Over the weekend we swapped out a Plus porcesor for a PII processor and suddenly I've got CID onevery display phone (for the CO lines that are mapped to the 400EC module.).
Hope this helps.
I'bve been told the PArtner Plus systems don't suppport CID. Looks like you need a Partner II or ACS. I posted a similar query and that's the info I'v ebeen given. I swapped the Plus processor for a P II and now my CID info passes fine on the CO lines running through the 400EC module.
I have a Parnter Plus Ver. 3.0. I've added a 400EC module but can't get the caller ID info to pass through to the display phones. I don't see a setting/option in the Doc's. Cany anyone help?
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