This may or may not have an affect on your problem with the system hanging. I use XM-Pie with CS1 on a G4 with 1gig of RAM. When i "merge" my data with the graphics, i get very large PDF files. They are much larger than normal PDFs of equal page length. One thing i have found is instead of...
I would allow the router to assign more IP addresses or be sure to encrypt you wireless signal. If you only have 2 available IP addresses, somone could be leeching the 2nd one which leaves 0 for your roomie.
I am using a D-Link DOCSIS 2.0 Cable Modem (DCM-202) and a LINKSYS BEFSX41 10/100Mbps Cable/DSL Firewall Router with 4-Port Switch/VPN Endpoint.
This is used in a home network with various devices. For 3 of the router ports i have 3 PC's setup in the same room. The 4th port (DMZ'd) runs to an...
A good chunk of that is simply the Header information
Document Properties
Color profiles
You may consider compressing your files before emailing.
Mac users can use Stuff-it
PC Users can use Win_Zip
Step and Repeat does the same function if I'm not mistaken the question. It is found in the "EDIT" menu. Be sure to "GROUP" any extras in the art before you step & repeat. You do this by selecting the white cursor and "drag" across the art. Once selected, right click "group".
Previously, I had completed this job in Lytrod, which allows you more flexibility with actual code programming to achieve desired results. With XMPie it appears I do not have this option. Now, for a brief description of my goal:
Variable Imaged books.
-50 identical pages 2 sided (variable...
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