Hi bobyjose,<br><br>I think your problem will be solved if you you use join statement to eliminate the rows that voilating referential<br>integrity.<br><br>If insert is into same table which is having trigger,then <br>join statement will not useful.but if if you are inserting into another we can...
Hi,<br>There is no cascade delete option in sqlserver . we have to handle it with triggers. Even the foriegnkey relation has to maintained using trigger rather than using foriegn constraint because when i had written a trigger for cascade delete i found that forien key is getting fired...
Hi,<br><br> Take out the total ---<br>... WHERE (dbo.tblItemNumber.itemnumberlistID = @pItemNumberListID OR<br>dbo.tblItemNumber.itemnumberlistID IS NULL)<br>--- condition from your selct statement ,because you want select row irrespective of whether it is null,matching or not...
Hi,<br>I tried to apply<br>2)create table referinteger(a int references integer(a, b))<br>after creating <br>1)create table integer(a int,b int,primary key(a,b)) <br>i am getting an below error<br><br>Server: Msg 8140, Level 16, State 1, Line 1<br>More than one key specified in column level...
Hi,<br><br>It is not possible to reference a part of composite primary key.because a foreign key can created only if referenced column is unique or a primary key.<br>so if you want to reference a part of composite key ,you should have unique constraint on it or you have to reference whole part...
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