I don't know if it can be done, on BSD wget <adress> -o file.html grep "file to find" file.html (PS i suck on bsd as much as on VBA).
I would like to automaticaly extract in Access each day when i press a button a table from a site. As for example, if possible, everytime i press this button i...
I'm trying to create a form that will pop-up every 60 minutes.
I have no ideea how this could be done, i can't manage to build an event or something to make it pop every hour.
Can it be done or are there any alternatives?
Thanks for your answer,
That worked great, thanks alot. However i have another question.
In a mail the attachement is shown as a little telephon icon. The body of the mail is :
Simply click on the "link" to have acces to the application, or use your desktop icon (the phone icon here). Bla bla bla...
However, when i...
To build reports i use querys as source, however i do not build themin acces, i simply copy the query result and paste it in excel. Moslty i'm using crosstab querys, and as columns i have a field that can always change values. So after i copy the results in an excel, to have the final...
I've built an automatic mail to send from time to time to some usors. The mail is dispayed when i run a macro and then i send it. I'm having few questions however.
The code looks like that
set InfoMail as ...
infomail.subject = ...
infomail.body = ....
However, i...
PARAMETERS [Type the day here] DateTime;
TRANSFORM Count(mails.ingempid) AS CountOfMail
SELECT mailuri.Name, Count(mail.ingempid) AS [Mail totals]
FROM mails
WHERE Date(mails.date)=[Type the day here]
GROUP BY mails.Nume
PIVOT Hour([date]);
i have a date field
when i open the query i'll want it to ask me to introduce the exact date, for example today is 11/16/2006.
so i use Date(mails.date) = [type your date here] and the parameter is set up like PARAMETERS [type your date here] datetime, however it gaves me an error message ...
TRANSFORM Count(mails.Mail) AS CountOfMail
SELECT mails.employeeid, Count(Mails.Mail) AS [Total Of Mail]
FROM Mails
WHERE day([date])= [type your day here] date/time
GROUP BY mails.employeeID
PIVOT Hour([date]);
won't work.
When i open the crosstab query i would like to ask me for the day...
yeap it works now but i still have a problem. Could i build a parameter report on the crosstab query?
If i use the clause where day([date]) = [type the day here] it tells me that microsoft jet sql can't recognize my parameter.
Yes i do use a date field
Now this is my table :
And the SQL of the crosstab is
TRANSFORM Count(mails.Mail) AS CountOfMail
SELECT mails.employeeid, Count(Mails.Mail) AS [Total Of Mail]
FROM Mails
WHERE day([date])=day(date())
GROUP BY mails.employeeID
wow, i'm really that bad at explaining stuff?
Ok, as i said > crosstab query, names as rows, hours(7h, 8h, 9h etc) as columns. This is already based on a table (name,date,mail treated). The function in the crosstab would be countofmails, however only for particular hours.
A more abstract view...
ok, sorry for beeing incoherent.
I've built a simple crosstab query, with agent names as rows and hours (8:00, 9:00.....22:00) as columns. Whenever an agent click a particular buton that i've built, it will put "+1" in his field. For example, if i click on a buton at 8:45 then in the row...
actualy i ve just build the crosstab query, it shows me in witch ours who treated how many mails. The problem is that tomorrow, the mails will add themselves to the ones that were treated today.
My Table looks like this :
I'm trying to build a query that would show me the number of mails treated by every agent / day
For example if the table looks like this :
AgentID Mail Date
1 bla 1/1/2006
1 blabla 1/1/2006
2 bl...
Also, another problem,
I have 2 modules, module Dad and module Mom.
I ve added both the modules on the Outlook bar, dad works fine but mom gives me an error, he couldn't find the project named Mom. Still, the project contains both mom and dad.
Any ideea:P?
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