Goto Domoni Administration,
-->Click on CONFIGURATION tab
---> click on Configuration
----> click on your Public server, ie ABCD/def_GHJ/Ca
-----> click on Router/SMTP
------> click on SMTP Inbound Controls
-------> Point the Inbound Relay Controls to your server
(web server) only...
I am currently support a Palm Vx user who formerly hotsynched with Notes 4.6. address book and calendar. Due to a change of departments the client is now in an enviroment where they can only synch with the Palm Desktop. When I try to synch the data currently on the pilot, nothing comes up on the...
**** WARNING *****
This is a condensed version of how we addressed this issue and please use it an example because your network structure is different that how we setup our network structure.
There is an easier way to do this. We have roming users who log on to multiple...
Welcome to the club of Notes 5.06a mayhem. I am having the same problem. Once the a recurring meeting has been set for x amount to time, the secretary cannot change an instance in a recurring meeting. The secretary does not get any error message. Notes let her save the changes from 3pm to 11am...
Anorak :
If it works by running it from notes.ini. GREAT.
otherwise, try this,
I was not too clear on my response (I was in rush to home.) From the domino server (where you will see a DOS like command windows with all Notes transactions happening), enter on the prompt, load updall...
NuNrg :
Try using Notes Minder (nminder.exe). It once executed, it will run as a service, constantly monitoring for new mail. It will advise the user that he/she has new mail right away. Other option is to go to "user preferrence" and have notes checking for new mails every minute and...
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