Hi everyone,
I need to configure the power management on the NIC. I need to disable "Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power"
I have this script, but when I run i get "Broadcom NetXtreme 57xx Gigabit Controller
Device Number is: 0001
D:\Script\Sample Scripts\Change NIC...
Hi everyone,
I have an HTA script that has 4 text box entries that users can fill in and submit the information. I would like when user click the submit button, it will first check if all the textbox are filled before execute the next command. If any of the boxes are not fill they'll get a...
HI everyone,
I need to clean up our file server and would like to have a script that retriev share, share permissions and NTFS permission to an excel or txt file. Could someone show me direction to head start?
Thanks so much
I want to update the user attribute otherLoginWorkstations with the computer name that user login to. I was thinking if I could put a logon script to retrieve the computer name and then pass that to the otherLoginWorkstations attribute of that user in AD. Is it even possible...
Sorry, here is the script.
Set objOU = GetObject("LDAP://OU=GP Test,OU=OIRM,DC=kc,DC=kingcounty,DC=lcl")
objOU.Filter = Array("Computer")
On Error Resume Next
For Each objComputer In objOU
' WScript.Echo objcomputer.CN
strComputer = objComputer.CN
Hi script masters out there,
I have this script that change DNS and WIN settings on all computers in an OU. I need to add the error checking and log outputs on a text file with computer name and whether it was applied successful or not. Please help.
Thanks very much.
Hi Rick,
Thank you for your wonderful script and tips. I tested it, in most case it works fine. However the script failed in two situations bellow. I got the message box at the end and there was no changes made
1. Run on Windows Vista (both locally and through login script)
2. Run on...
Thanks jfdabiri for quikly reply. Does this script update computer account in AD also? is there a way to update all computers an OU instead of doing one by one using input box?
Thank you again.
Hi everyone, I hope you have a wonderful day. I have this delima and seek you help. My company went through a division wide reorg, and our name got change. We name out computers with the division name prefix (ex. ITS-computer1). I need to change the computer name, so I'm looking for a script...
I wanted to kill all network drive at the top of the script. THat will make my life much easier, but our enviroment is so diverse, people have their own map drive all over the place. what I have here is juts for major grouping. Many people will scream if they have to remap their own drives...
Hi everyone,
Thank you for all your tips. I've learned so much about scripting from this forum. Anyway, I'm very new to scripting. I need to make the login script bellow shorter, easier to maintain and reuseable. Someone told me I can accomplish with function and subroutine...but I really...
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