Hi all.
I'm trying to configure my Eclipse Ant Builder, so that I can have the WAR of my web-app generated in a single task.
The "build.xml" that Eclipse generates as a result of the "Export" task does good (obviously!), but I'd like to add a "generate-war" task, which (depending on the...
I'm trying to use "JaWin", a tool that wraps JNI in order to allow a ddl to be accessed by Java Code.
What I'm trying to do is reproducing (in Java) the example i found at http://www.pervasive.com/documentat...ploy_PSQLR3.pdf
I succeed in getting the connection, and from the resulting object I...
I've never used DTI/DTO...
is it possible to use them in Java code?
can you suggest me a link where I can find some documentation (examples, possibly) about them?
Thanks for your help (and thanks in advance if you'll answer again!).
Hi all.
I'd just like to know if there's any command to create a db engine from command line on WIN, such as "dbmaint a ...." on linux.
What i need is developing my own interface to let an user create a db engine...
Thanks in advance for any help!
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