This is quite a quiet forum...
Found it. Build a query string to pass the search term from a form field to the /_layouts/searchresults.aspx page.
where k = the search term and optionally u = the list or library to be searched.
WSS3.0 - Want to add a search control to the main body of a page in addition to the search control in the default master. Don't seem to be able to copy the <SharePoint:DelegateControl runat="server" ControlId="SmallSearchInputBox"/> code into any zones on the main page. Can't find the control...
...Using SharePoint Designer I was able to move the files to the new libraries by selecting and moving.
All metadata was preserved except for:
* "Modified By" on all versions which was changed to me
* The latest version "Modified" date was updated to be the date of the move
* Metadata...
I have a business need to supply camera devices to a mobile workforce to take photos of plant items in the field for simple editing / annotation and transmission via GPRS.
I have come up with a solution which uses a wired webcam into the existing Panasonic Toughbook CF18, but our IT manager...
You are trying to create a cross tab, grouped by customer. Not knowing your table structure, try something like this, which will show the last n months grouped by customer, showing each month across the table:
declare @rptdate smalldatetime
set @rptdate = getdate()
select custname...
Thanks for your continued help. The procedure on the linked server requires individual parameters to be passed to it. This is why I am using a cursor to call the procedure line by line from the recordset. What I want to be able to do is replace the "DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line" section with...
I have no problem interfacing to MS reporting Services, however it needs a sys_refcursor type as the output parameter to the procedure.
What is confusing me, is that I need to somehow store the results from each line of the cursor loop, then output the lot as a sys_refcursor at the end of the...
I'm used to MS T-SQL, and the concept of temporary tables and table variables.
I have an oracle database serving data for MS reporting services, and one procedure I am trying to run does the following:
Opens a cursor populated with a list of work requests, and associated data.
Watch out for the hanging spaces:
txtsql= txtsql & " Where "
either use
txtsql=left(txtsql, len(txtsql) - 6)
or try my code from above (observing DotNetGnats fine comment about placement of spaces (about 4 posts up))
|_ |_ _ | _ _
|, | )(/, |(_)| )
Is this more than:
group by
sum(chr_allow_amount) >= 500.00
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|, | )(/, |(_)| )
Rather than taking the last 3 characters off your query to deal with an unsatisfied "AND", try building the query with a true statement and for each additional clause add it as "and blah = blah". e.g.
txtsql= "SELECT a.PhysicianId, a.PhySpecialty,"
txtsql= txtsql & "...
If you change the code to match the tables using the composite key (I always use inner join notation as it is more efficient):
tableA a
inner join
tableB b
on a.key1 = b.key1
and a.key2 = b.key2
you will only match the key1 = 1 and key2 = 1...
I have a cube showing customer debt where the fact table grain is based on customers. Each customer may have a debt value over the previous 4 years. Where a customer only has debt in the current financial year they are known as a "non hardened debtor". If they have debt over previous financial...
I have found using sp_executsql to be a bit difficult, but here is an example:
declare @tempTable nvarchar(200)
set @tempTable = 'SELECT sum(' + @tempTable + ') '
set @tempTable = @tempTable + 'FROM #ReturnStada '
set @tempTable = @tempTable + 'WHERE RoomType<>''Allotments left'''
Your right outer join is joining on non matching dates, where it should be joining on matching dates, and then filtered for null values from the rxWorks table. Try this instead:
SELECT R.[Subscriber Code], D.[Date]
FROM RxWorks.RxWorks.Result AS R
RIGHT OUTER JOIN tempdb.#Dates AS D...
I am sure that DTS would be better employed reading your data from one excel workbook, transforming it in temporary tables using SQL, then writing to another workbook.
But, as you have invested time in creating your macro, I would suggest creating an autorun macro to run your macro when the...
Stored procedures can be quicker than straight SQL especially if there is conditional processing. Also a query execution plan is created on first running, and cached, so if the Stored Procedure code remains static it reuses the execution plan.
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|, | )(/, |(_)| )
select convert(varchar(5), dateadd(mi, ([ActualTimeHours] * 60), 0), 8)
It creates a datetime of 1/1/1900 + [ActualTimeHours] (1/1/1900 is serial time 0), then displays the first five characters of the time portion.
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|, | )(/, |(_)| )
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