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Search results for query: *

  1. karlomutschler

    Calculating difference between two times

    good day We wish to subtract the CURR_TIME(Jobname_01) from CURR_TIME(Jobname_02) and update the column DURATION((Jobname_02) with the result. Excerpt from the DATALOAD_EXEC_LOG Table: CURR_DATE DATE FORMAT 'YY/MM/DD', CURR_TIME CHAR(8), DURATION CHAR(8), JOBNAME VARCHAR(64) CURR_DATE...
  2. karlomutschler

    combinig sections into one SQL-Script

    Mufasa, thanks for your prompt reply - worked perfectly !! Kindest regards Karlo
  3. karlomutschler

    combinig sections into one SQL-Script

    good day, I have separate sql-scripts to drop mytable create mytable with description of variables insert data from other tables into mytable grant select privileges to USER2 how do I combine these into one single sql-script? if somecriteria (mytable exists) then drop table mytable create...
  4. karlomutschler

    introducing returnval from script 1 as select criterion for script 2

    hi and good day, need to develop an updateroutine for our report data. Script 1 gathers the data from a definite starting point eg. start of financial year to date. After successful completion ORA-table MaxDate is created. Script 2 is the update part for Script 1. According to the value...
  5. karlomutschler

    Using SAS script importing data from textfile to PALO olap DB

    good day, need to develop a SAS script to import data from a textfile into PALO olap DB. An example provided (using PHP) reads as follows: <?php define('HOST', ''); define('PORT', '7777'); define('USER', 'admin'); define('PASS', 'admin'); $connection = palo_init(HOST, PORT, USER...
  6. karlomutschler

    Automatically run a SAS script from a timer

    thank you Klaz for your valued response to my question. As detailed before, we have installed the SW Schedule Wizard and are able to call sas.exe as well as the correct scipt. However, as far as I can see there are 2 problems to be solved. 1. the automatic login to SAS 2. the starting of the...
  7. karlomutschler

    Automatically run a SAS script from a timer

    thank you Nick, for your valued response. Our script is located on a SAS-Client (Windows OS) and it is run remotely on a SAS-Server. We want to automate the SAS login procedure and then the start of the abovementioned script. We have installed the Schedule Wizard from Vince Sorensen Author...
  8. karlomutschler

    Automatically run a SAS script from a timer

    good day, I need to run my Main SAS script, in which I have INCLUDEed the tasks that need to accomplished after a certain condition has been met. Basically it should operate as follows: My SAS script would test, say from 05h00 onward, whether a specific datevariable meets the condition or not...
  9. karlomutschler

    Calculate the number of hours:mins between two dates

    good day, the number of hours and minutes between two dates have to be calculated. eg sdate = 18APR2007:10:34:51 edate = 19APR2007:09:22:58 Any assistance is most welcome. Kind regards Karlo
  10. karlomutschler

    business app (typically Invoicing) written with SAS

    good day, where could I find a sample application typically an Invoicing or reporting application written with SAS The app should contain a login module display reports using IE. Kindest regards Karlo
  11. karlomutschler

    Joining tables with Col=Col AND additional condition

    Hello and good day, I need to join the following two tables in Access: The SQL script looks like this: FROM VBWADM.VBW_FACT a, ADBADM.SALES_ORG b WHERE (a.SALES_NUMBER=b.SALES_NUMBER_ AND a.REPORT_DATE BETWEEN b.VALID_FROM AND b.VALID_THRU) The SQL-Statement generated by Access (using the...
  12. karlomutschler

    Declaration of date-variables at the begin of the script

    hello and good day in my SAS script I have the following proc sql statement: rsubmit; proc sql; create table myTable as ( select ProductTarif, sum(number_of_items) from Orders where Sales_Channel in ('A', 'B', 'C') and ProductTarif in ('X', 'Y', 'Z') and...
  13. karlomutschler

    Simple MsgBox without Button(s) with Progress Bar

    Hello and good day, to my script I would like to add a MsgBox that informs the user what is currently happening: for example: ' switch WarnMsgs OFF DoCmd.SetWarnings False ' copy File1 to File1_old DoCmd.OpenQuery "Backup_File1", acViewNormal, acEdit MsgBox "File1 copied to...
  14. karlomutschler

    Export Query result to existing Excel file & place on specified Tab

    good day, how do I export the result of a Query to an existing Excel file (containing further information) and place the Data on a specified Tab ? Thank you for you're valued assistance. Kind regards Karlo meistertools@gmx.net
  15. karlomutschler

    Exporting result of a Query to an existing Excel file on specified tab

    hello and good day, how do I ... export the result of an Access query to an existing Excel file and place it on a specified tab ? Thanks for valued response. Kind regards Karlo meistertools@gmx.net
  16. karlomutschler

    Compact and Repair Access DB using macro

    good day, is it possible to compact and repair an Access DB using a Macro inside the DB ? Any useful tips would be highly appreciated. Kind regards Karlo meistertools@gmx.net
  17. karlomutschler

    PROC EXPORT: SAS-data-sets to Excel 2000

    good Day, I wish you and your relatives a happy and prosperous 2005. In my script I create 3 different SAS datasets DATA=WORKUNIX.MonthlySum DATA=WORKUNIX.SalesChannelMonth DATA=WORKUNIX.SalesRegionsMonth which I export separately to excel using the following PROC EXPORT: PROC EXPORT DATA=...
  18. karlomutschler

    Uploading data to ORAtable from SAStable

    Hi all, this is the solution that works for me: PROC IMPORT OUT=orig_data-set DATAFILE= &quot;C:\path\filename.xls&quot; SHEET=&quot;worksheet&quot; DBMS=EXCEL2000 REPLACE; GETNAMES=YES; RUN; /*===Renaming a Variable at Time of Input===*/ DATA orig_data-set_mod; SET orig_data-set(RENAME=...
  19. karlomutschler

    Uploading data to ORAtable from SAStable

    Thank you Klaz for your valued reply. 1. I have rights to create a SAS table and have done so using PROC IMPORT from an excel table. 2. I have NO rights to create an ORA table - it has already been and contains data which needs to be REPLACED with the data from the SAS table. Leaning on...
  20. karlomutschler

    Uploading data to ORAtable from SAStable

    Hi all, I have created a SAStable(origtable) from an excel table using PROC IMPORT. Now I would like to replace the data in an ORAtable(desttable) with the data from the SAStable. I can't use DBLOAD, because the varnames are longer than 8 chars. Any help is much appreciated. Kind regards...

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