the easiest and fastest way should be a remote access like TerminalService ("RDP")
There are others like TSPLUS which allow access via Internet in a browser and are cheaper.
No new problems
As woody has written (see Post from ein terraner) you may simply copy your vfp - folder to new machine (but not in a system folder , see above , something like c:\fox or d:\develop)
Then install the runtime from vfpx
Start it once with VFP9.EXE /REGSERVER
Thats it
should be enough. I do not use (yet) the DPI manager which offers much more, especially in multimonitor systems with different scaling.
For resizing controls I suggest to look for Markus' mwresize5.1 or 5.3. One line of...
you may also try this at the start of your program :
If you use a loader.exe to load another exe, it should be in both
Hello Mathias,
i wrote a function to find a window by parts of its caption, for example Adobe Reader or word which have the active filename in its caption, so this may help
Declare Integer FindWindow In Win32API String @cClassName, String @cWindowName
Declare Integer GetActiveWindow In...
I heard that is posible for SHA1to generate values with same hash, but never heard of it for AES 256 (Excel 2019+)
But any crypto is only as good as its implementation :-)
Btw : which Excel version ? Up to 2016 you do not need a pw-cracker. 7zip should be enough
I think you must split that :
a) content
As Chris mentioned that depends on the local requirement, for example in germany : https://kassensichv.net/articles/qr-code-ersetzt-tse-signatur
(Have a look on format of QR-Code, too) Maybe scanning a sample code with your mobile app helps.
We do not have problems (yet :-)) , except :
Windows 11 has an option "windows may change default printer". We recommend to disable that if you have little label printers and A4 printers and create PDFs via Foxyprviewer.
if you have Cathy Pountneys excellent book "Report writer : Pushing it to the limit and beyond" have a look on page 198.
Its not with additional lines (with the vertical lines you have) , it shows a trick to add blank space so that "total" is placed at bottom.
Maybe he wants to show a form where handwritten data has to be extracted by user. So he highlights/zooms part of the form and asks user for input.
I have seen this in another application some years ago where contractforms with handwritten values had to be transfered without errors (that is a 2...
Hi Mike,
just to be sure, both tools I mentioned are offline tools.
I do not know why in the forum its shown as PDF Viewer, the link is hxxps://www.viscomsoft.com/products/imageviewercppro
or maybe hxxps://www.viscomsoft.com/products/imageviewercp
PDF Viewer and image viewers...
If I understand it you have a TIFF image which you want to show and highlight parts of it when the user enters (gotfocus) a text field ?
Do you a) need to OCR the TIFF to find text in the document or b) do you have coordinates (X,Y) in the image and want to position a highlight ?
For b) a...
Thor is a shell and updater for many useful tools like gofish or pemeditor
Start here, mybe with googl translate or deepl
Do set step on before starting replace, set a breakpoint on the line giving the error, what shows debugger watchwindow for vartype(thisform.xxxx.value) ?
btw : I recommend adding a property odata to form, then using scatter memo name Thisform.odata for loading values, set textboxes,... to...
Maybe for start 2 screenshots will be enough, one for working, one for not working
They should show the source of the line giving the error, the content of the variables used in in this line and the fieldtype used in this line (maybe with list structure in the vfp screen). I myself prefer set...
thats the result I get, too.Sorry, english is not my main languange.
I just meant that it is "strange" (to my opinion), N(3,2) should give *** for 31, hmm.
Anyway in real world N(3,2) is nonsense to me, it should be N(3,1) or N(4,2) , depending on the needs (because of the . counting...
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