hi guys,
can postgreSQL perform mirroring or fail over?? or is there any 3rd party tool that i can use to perform these tasks when a database server fails? please advice.. thanks in advance
i also totally agree with u guys. actually we are in the process of bidding for a project. the reason y they are asking me to do the database size estimation is to know what kind of hardware setup is required for the database server, such as HD, RAM and no of processors. another word for it is...
hi guys,
this is the first time i'm posting a question regarding Oracle9i. i need help about database sizing?
can i know how am i suppose to estimate the size of my so-called "future database"?? i don know what my table are yet therefore i can calculate any data blocks. all i have is...
hi guys,
some questions i would like to ask:
1. when i do a backup, will the user ids be backup as well?
2. another thing is, is it recommended to create a database with a lot of schemas? let's say around 20++. my scenario is like this. i will be handling a database that stores data for...
hi all. just wondering whether sql server can store images or not? if can, how am i suppose to do the inserting process. for e.g if i'm to insert a record i will write a statement insert into ........ but for images, how to insert? thanks in advance.
i know there's a clustering process (probably initialization process) to create the data directory. i want to know whether postgresql can do database clutering or not? like the RAC in Oracle where if one db server is down, automatically another db server will take over. therefore there's no...
but all my tables are created with OIDs. how can i change it to WITHOUT OIDs. coz as far as i'm concern, the alter command doesn't allow that. plz advice.
hi all, i'm trying to build a report using excel's pivot table function. and the db i'm using is postgresql 7.3.1.
i got a problem retriving data from the db bcoz i got this error mesg "No such attribute item.oid". if i retrieve directly from a table in postgresql, it doesn't give me...
hi guys, thanks for all the replies. i managed to work the thing out by using TG_OP var. i manage to detect whether the operation is an insert, update or delete by using TG_OP var. now the thing is working perfectly =). probably i made some mistakes early on. cheers...
hi people, is postgreSQL able to store data in jpeg or gif format?? if so, wat type of data type that i can use to store the pictures? thanks in advance.
hi all. i might be asking a stupid question here. but anyway how to upgrade my postgresql from 7.3.1 to 7.3.2?? coz the size of the file i downloaded is almost the same as ver. 7.3.1 (only a bit bigger for 7.3.2). issit a different set of installation file or i just need to tar it and it will...
hi all, i'm encountering one big problem. and i would appreciate it if someone can give me some hints or idea. it happens like this, when i use the CREATE USER ... WITH PASSWORD command in the psql command prompt to create a user, i manage to create it. then i \q from pgsql and log into one of...
i've created a table based on the logic provided. but i can't seem to describe my table. the error i got is "Relation pg_relcheck does not exist".
cannot coz that column can only consist of 3 values which are N,A and R. and the default value should be N. any updates will make the field change to either A or R. hope u understand what i'm trying to say here. =)
hi all, can i know how to set a column in a table to consist only certain values? i've use the check contraint when creating the table. but once i have created the table, i cant describe it. it says that my pg_relcheck doesn't exist.
i've use the ddl below
create table test
hi leland123,
if i use the timestamp field, how do i know whether the row is an update or insert? do i still need a flag to determine it? bcoz in my tables, there will be 3 extra fields, which is audit_user, audit_date and the flag. hope u can advice me more on this. thx.
create or replace function add_user() returns opaque as '
select myname into varname from table where myname = NEw.myname;
raise notice ''user name %'',varname;
update table set myage = 20 where myname = varname;
return new;
can i know what is wrong with the above...
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