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Search results for query: *

  1. TimKThailand

    Creating a parameter in a stored procedure in Access SQL adp

    Do you want create a query-by-form stored proc? If so, check this [link http://support.microsoft.com/kb/286828/EN-US/]How to implement Query by Form (QBF) in an Access project[/url] Hope this is what you're looking for.
  2. TimKThailand

    Unable to connect to PostgreSQL 8 from PGAdmin III

    Is firewall in FC4 enabled? If so, add port 5432 in in Security Level and Firewall.
  3. TimKThailand

    distributing an adp without local sql server

    Yes, that's what the ADP designed for. Just connect to the server/machine where the SQL Server installed. Make sure the client machine can connect to the server.
  4. TimKThailand

    Error on SP as recordsource

    In the Input Parameters of the report property, type something like this in. @mymonth=forms!frmreports!txtMonth,@myyear=forms!frmreports!txtYear,@myday=forms!frmreports!txtDay My variables are @mymonth,@mtyear and @myday, where the frmreports is the form name.
  5. TimKThailand

    MDB to ADP conversion (95->98->2000mdb>2000adp)

    Since DAO is not available in ADP, you have to move to ADP. If you will move to VC finally, why don't you use MDB as a frontend and use SQL Server as a backend for the time being? Make sure you use a pass thru query to optimize the backend.
  6. TimKThailand

    Current User?

    Access user-level security is not available in ADP. :)
  7. TimKThailand

    sort query according to the IN parameters

    You can use Order By with Case. Something like this select * from table where text in ('sunday','evening','morning') ORDER BY CASE WHEN text = 'sunday' THEN 1 WHEN text = 'evening' THEN 2 WHEN text = 'morning' THEN 3 END
  8. TimKThailand

    MDB to ADP query issues 2

    Check NortwindCS.ADP out. Then look at Sale By Year report, it's based on Sale By Year stored procedure and getting DateStart/DateEnd from a Sale By Year dialog form. The trick is in InputParameters property of the report. :)
  9. TimKThailand

    New to ADP - ComboBox Filter Criteria

    Yes, there is a good exmaple in NorthwindCS.ADP. Check Sale by Year Dialog form out. It's related with Sale By Year report which based on Sale By Year stored procedure. :)
  10. TimKThailand

    New to ADP - ComboBox Filter Criteria

    Change the query to a stored procedure. Then check this http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;300693&Product=acc out. :)
  11. TimKThailand

    Seeting the row source value of a list box to parameter SP

    What about this? Me.ResList.RowSource="dbo.SP_getResult '" & intID & "'"
  12. TimKThailand

    Still problems with Stored Proc...

    You can format the result the way you want. ... print replicate('0', 2-len(convert(varchar(2),month(@EndBillPer))))+ convert(varchar(2),month(@EndBillPer))+'/'+ replicate('0', 2-len(convert(varchar(2),day(@EndBillPer))))+ convert(varchar(2),day(@EndBillPer))+'/'+...
  13. TimKThailand

    Still problems with Stored Proc...

    As I replied in my previous post, I agree with SQLBill. Try this out. set dateformat mdy DECLARE @yr char(2), @mn char(2), @dy char(2), @endbillperiodrange varchar(10), @EndBillPer smalldatetime set @endbillperiodrange='0404' set @yr = right(@endbillperiodrange, 2) set @mn =...
  14. TimKThailand

    Still problems with Stored Proc...

    This might help. Put this line after AS ... As SET DATEFORMAT mdy ... :)
  15. TimKThailand

    select ... from sProc

    You can also use Function to help. Check 'User-Defined Functions That Return a table Data Type' on SQL Server Books Online out. :)
  16. TimKThailand

    Auto Number

    Yes, I use Identity (or AutoNumber) in SQL Server and it works. Have you tried adding records in? :)
  17. TimKThailand

    Auto Number

    Use bigint or int and set Identity property of the field to YES. :)
  18. TimKThailand

    Equivalent of Iif() or Nz() in SQL Server?

    Try SET @DebugMessage = @DebugMessage + CAST(IsNull(@CurrentStatus,'Null') AS varchar(5))
  19. TimKThailand

    DAO to ADO Conversion Help

    If you are working with Jet Database (MDB), you'd better stick with DAO. Since DAO's still around in Access 2003 and well-designed for MDB files. If you still want to do this, check this http://www.utteraccess.com/forums/showflat.php?Cat=&Board=access_2000&Number=296677 out. :)

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