...version on another. What/how do I query from both databases in the same query? (i.e. Microsoft SQLServer is "linked servers")
SELECT p.* FROM production.database.table p WHERE p.id NOT IN (SELECT d.id FROM development.database.table d);
PostgreSQL 8.2.6 on x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu...
The next day it started working appropriately. It was moving to the page before the reload command so I went ahead and removed that line. Not sure what difference a day made but so far so good.
maybe this gives you a start in the right direction...
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">
<title>example page</title>
<script type="text/javascript">
function setNewEmail(){
myName = document.getElementById("myEmail").value...
Problem: why does location.reload not work unless there is an alert call right before the statement?
background on my page: a lot of extensive code that i don't want to make you sort through...ultimately, the page loads a table of work queue items. at the top is are drop down list boxes to...
I'm new to CSS and have inherited a PHP with CSS app. The page appears fine in Firefox and Safari but has gaps between every line in IE. Can anyone offer suggestions on what to look for in the CSS file to correct the display in IE or what I might need to add to fix the problem?
Thanks for any...
I figured it out...... In case anyone else needs to do it...
RPAD('#',LENGTH(field_name),'#')),'#','') AS foo,*
FROM table_name
Is there a postgres function I can use in a SELECT statement that will strip out non-numeric characters from a field?
I only want numbers from the field returned. i.e. say its a phone number field. (555)123-4567 should return 5551234567 and 1-800-petmeds would return 1800
Thanks in advance!
...if found then
print 'inside the if statement';
end if;
This is useful when debugging functions and you have multiple conditional statements and trying to determine where your code is not returning expected results.
**Note: using PGAdminIII or Navicat to write/test functions/queries.
Perfect kaht! Exactly what I needed and very easy to do! I set a hidden tag value to the scrollTop value of myDiv and then passed it back in and set on PageLoad and it's exactly where the user clicked!
I have a div tag set to scrollable (overflow:auto). In the div tag i have a table. The div area is set big enough to view 10 rows of the table and the table has 100 rows (each with an anchor). Clicking a cell in the table carries you to another page where the user can enter or alter data that...
First and foremost - thanks for any help offered (I'm a newbie to PostgreSQL and PHP but proficient in SQL and .NET)!
My question: Most appropriate way (and how) to conditionally test for records existence and then insert or update and delete.
The App: a calendar reservation system. Imagine...
I have my table structure with column names I use. I want to import (Append From) a tab delimited text file but the text file has their column names in the first row. Is there a way to tell
Append From file.txt For "Recno() <> 1" Delimited With Tab ?
I build a large 'spreadshet' style grid and dynamically create textboxes for number entry and span tag's for row and column totals. I have it updating the span tag's with the new total every time the number in the textbox changes through an added onblur attribute.
My question is, how can i...
Using Microsoft Outlook 2003 edition. By default, everyone's calendar in the company is shared for scheduling meetings and such. I feel one individual is continually monitoring my activity through accessing/viewing my calendar. Is there anything out there that will tell me who/how often...
just looking for any ideas on a direction to start in on what i am needing to do.
ASP page with two frames. top frame has a label for total approved. bottom frame has a DataGrid control populated through a dataset with some template columns for checkboxes to approve or deny and a textbox to...
It was actually still the code of listbox.selectedvalue.
my problem was in Form Load. It seems the page was refreshing before the click event of the button. To correct the problem, I encased the data adapter / dataset / listbox binding with an IF NOT thisPage.PostBack THEN statement. At that...
I have four listbox controls on my page. Each is bound to a dataset (listbox.datasource to the dataset, listbox.datatextfield to dataset.column, listbox.datavaluefield to dataset.keycolumn). In form load I set the parameter to the data adapter, fill the dataset, and listbox.databind. When...
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