What is the font name that apple uses on their main site.
You can see a sample at
the main big text
is it ariel?
what size?
thanks much
What is the font name that apple uses on their main site.
You can see a sample at
you see the big bold text on the top
is it ariel?
what size?
thanks much
But how can I do that.
Is there way "readme file" or something somewhere.
How can I have the servers at work point to the laptop for cvs.
I have a laptop at home ruunning freebsd 5.1
Since my server at work is behind the firewall and the folks have blocked the port 2401, I can not run cvsup on the server at work.
But I can do that at home and keep the laptop upto date with the latest port collections.
Now if I tar the entire...
I want to get the format nice and correct.
To be able to display such as
tablename Row count
tablename Row count
tablename Row count
tablename Row count
tablename Row count
tablename Row count
Thank you both but I have to do it for sql server 6.5
How can I show the table names in one colume and the total rows in front of it nicely?
thanks much for your help.
...WHILE (@@fetch_status <> -1)
EXEC ('Select ' + @quote+'Rows in ' + @tablename + ' = '+
@quote + ', count(*) from '+ @tablename)
FETCH NEXT FROM tables_cursor INTO @tablename
DEALLOCATE tables_cursor
But I'm getting error...
Trying to do the portupgrade from behind a corp firewall and there is simply no way to do this.
Looking around on the net, there are a lot of people with the same issue.
Isn't there a workround to simply tell cvs for its updates use the proxy server with a port number?
thanks much.
Still strugelling to get my ports updated for my server from behind the firewall.
The freebsd server is running 5.0
It can access Internet using the proxy server.
It can however not access cvs rep.
This is the output I get.
BSD51# cvsup -P m /root/ports-supfile
Unknown host...
You may also take a look at SQLPorter, something we used to migrate from Access to SQL Server.
You can do a google search to find it or
either one
Hello all,
I have the following script
Select so.name,sc.name,st.name,sc.length,so.type,sc.type, ownername
FROM syscolumns sc,master..systypes st,sysobjects so
WHERE sc.id in (select id from sysobjects where type ='P')
AND so.type ='p'
AND sc.id =...
Hello everyone,
How can I search a very large file, line by line for a string and if found print the entire line to another file.
Here is what I have, but it does not work very well for some reason.
Could you help.
I have a text file that looks like this. some text some text...
status Oracle
$0 stop
$0 start
echo "Usage: oracleDbServer {start|stop|restart|status}"
exit 1
exit 0
And I do have the...
status Oracle
$0 stop
$0 start
echo "Usage: oracleDbServer {start|stop|restart|status}"
exit 1
exit 0
And I do have the...
Hi Tarn,
Thanks once again.
Ok, should I have both scripts in combined in to one and use a case statement or can I have 2 separte scripts. The reason is that all scripts that I see under /init.d contain both the start and stop parts together, but I would perfere to have them in separte...
I have 2 scripts that starts and stops a job.
su - oracle -c "/jobs/db101start"
my stopscript is
su - oracle -c "/jobs/db102stop"
Now I have created 2 scripts called them startdb101 and stopdb102 and place them in ../init.d
Thanks Tarn
Here is what is driving me crazy :)
I have 2 scripts that starts and stops a job.
su - oracle -c "/jobs/db101start"
my stopscript is
su - oracle -c "/jobs/db102stop"
Now I have created 2 scripts called them startdb101 and...
hello everyone;
I just wanted to know where to put my start and stop scripts to run the start jobs at the boot time and my stop jobs at shutdown.
For example I would like to start my mysql db at start and shutit down when the server is going down.
I like to run this jobs to start mysql when...
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