First of all, I want to apologize if this is a duplicate post. I believe I post the question but I could not find it.
Using Sybase 12.5 on Windows Server 2003
I have 2 tables X, and Y
1. use a select statement to find out some values from the X table. Several values are return
I want to connect these two routers for a CCNA test.
The routers have 1-Ethernet, 2-serial, I token ring
is the cable between routers a crossover?
since each router has i ethernet, can I use the token/serial to connect the two...
I have to rebuild two routers as follows but cannot make them to work yet:
Router A
server(config)#int e0
server(config-if)# ip address
server(config-if)# ip route
-configure S1
Server(config-if)#ip address
Most of the log shows lines as follows
"At1.job" (c:\MyFile.bat)
Started 9/6/2005 10:30:00 PM
"At1.job" (c:\MyFile.bat)
Finished 9/6/2005 10:30:00 PM
Result: The task completed with an exit code of (ffffffff).
with an exit code of (ffffffff).
[ ***** Most recent...
Have a AT command scheduled (windows 2003)
when I run the AT command, it displays the following line:
AT 11:13 /every:m,t,w,th,f "d:\MyFile.bat"
so it is shceduled but it won't run it.
I tried different times but no luck
Any help will be greatly appreciated
I added static routing. I stll cannot ping ip addresses. here is the new confi
Current configuration:
version 12.0
service timestamps debug uptime
service timestamps log uptime
no service password-encryption
hostname Server
THis is the configuration that I am using. It is the same for both routers with the exception of IP addresses.
I stll cannot get it to work..
Current configuration:
version 12.0
service timestamps debug uptime
service timestamps log uptime
no service...
I am learning CISCO IOS. I have linked two 1600 routers together. each router has a E0 and S1 (T1 i/f card)
Router 1
router 2
routers linked together with a t1 cable
i am not using any access-list
computer connected to router 1 can ping...
I want to do the following with a laptop:
When I log localy, I use the local applications but when I am connected to the network and log in a domain, I would like to used the server applications. Any ideas how to do this? scripts? profiles?
When I create a File System Device and select a folder in a mapped drive and then run manager, It shows a new CA FSAdapter but displayes <No media in Drive>.
If I create the File System Device in a local drive, it works fine.
Any ideas?
I still do not know How do I create the genetic service where the service name has spaces (ei MYBOX SERVICE APP_001)
It is not the display name it is actually the name of the service.
Any help will be greatly appreciated
Have an active/passive (Advanced win2K)
I need to create a genetic resource for a service called "LOCUS APPLICATION SER_765" but the service name is too long and has spaces. I tried to start using command prompt c:\NET START LOCUS APPLICATIO SER_765 won't start but starts from the service...
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