I need to create a formula to display a specific text based on a vlue. I am trying to see if my id is 1234 then split the IDCODE and give me the fisrt value of the delimiter...here is my code...
IDCODE= 1234!0009
if ID = '1234' then
Local StringVar array Myval
local StringVar returnValue...
I have a mathimatical vb 6.0 question. I have a program that inserts records in the system. Here is how it works.
I have a MasterQty table and ChildQty table. The user can upate only the child table but keep the ChildQty always equal to MasterQty. ChildQty should not go below or above the...
How about if I want to convert a Char into Int. I have a char value '012345' that I need to insert into int Filed. I need to insert whole value without getting rid of 0.How do I do that then??
I am trying both the codes and I got errors on both codes.
1. Code 1
When I click on Print and the code goes to "Print_Labels", I get an error
"By ref argumnet type mismatch" and g_strZPL is highlighted.
2. Code 2
Get error about constants on this line
Declare Function...
No...Actually I though its not the array but may be its my grid.thats why i started new thread.
But just now I find out that during my call to thebutton, i was erasing my array.
vBookmark = (CInt(grd.selBookmarks(iRow)))
'check if I have rows in my Grid array
If mlarrayMaxRows<> 0 Then
'Loop through rows
Do While i <= mlarrayMaxRows
'check if my second array value is same as grid array.
If Array(ITEM, i) = sItemID...
When I loop through my array in same application 2nd time, then it boms and gives error Subscript out of range (Error 9).
I loop through array when someone clicks the grid. First time , grid click works fine. then when I click on a Button to get someother info and then click on grid again it...
I try to use....
For iRowCounter = LBound(Array) To UBound(Array)
Next iRowCounter
I have total of 6 rows in my array. When it get to array 6, it gives error of subscreipt out of range. I really like it, it is lees number of code and you don't need to remember how many line numbers and from...
I removed the redim part from my code and start the rowcounter at 1, and I didn't get any error.
vBookmark = (CInt(grd.SelBookmarks(iRowIndex)))
sItem= Array1(ITEM, vBookmark)
'check if I have rows in my array
If mlarrayMaxRows<> 0 Then
'Loop through rows
Do While i <= mlarrayMaxRows...
The reason why I am using Redim again after loading my data is that I was getting that error(same one) and I findout in details of error to use redim. Thats why I added the redim code to my programe.
Thanks for explaing it gmmastros.
I think I am not clear in what I am trying to achieve.
1. I load my array from Info.
2. Then I let the user click on grid and I capture the bookmark and match it with first Array's value and match that to second array and if the value matches I load up my...
I am trying to populate my combo box and text boxes from array, that I already populated. I chcek if a value in an array is same as my gird Bookmark. then populate the combo box.
'check if I have rows in my array
If mlarrayMaxRows<> 0 Then
'Loop through rows
Do While i <=...
I need to use array to store 10 elements. I am not showing them on any grid or text boxes, I need to hold the values in memory and use them when I need. Here is my code what I am doing
--Arrays2 declarations( I have same declaration for Array1)
Private Count As Integer
Private Array2 () As...
I am using a TDBgrid. My users can select diffent rows in the grid and based on that selection I create a file.I need to send the index of the selected row and the bookmark to another sub.
my code is
Dim Bookmark As Variant
Dim i As Integer
If mMax > 0 And Grd.SelBookmarks.Count > 0 Then...
Thanks for replying..
The reason I am asking is I have never worked with ini fiels. I don't know how to write the ini file and how to read from. Can you post sample code for ini and how to read from it. That will help me and others. Thanks
Thanks a lot for replying and helping but I have a question and it is Why to use an ini file. Why can't we use a simple text file? Please answer. Thanks
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