I would check your TGAR which is set to 1.
Aslo you have in the RBD ICIS set to YES?
I would ask them to prefix a call to you using a RDB acess code instead of 91npanxx-xxxx to see if it works?
Fine the less restricted number in your system such as
411 or 611 where there is no NCOS or TGAR applied.
I have added Phantom loop n96 into the opt 11c and I use
OTM to administrator the system.
I don't know how to add this phantom loop into otm cfg?
I then would need to build a model phantom 500 set and I don't know how to do that either?
I did this in MAT but that was way back then. otm is new...
I have a Opt 11c running on rls 3.
I added a msdl for NI2 and added master and service rt's.
I can place a call fine.
When the other end calls me I get a ERR9016 00000018 NON PROVISION?
Dchannel message equals
% DCH 16 UIPE_IMSG CC_SETUP_IND REF 00000280 TOD 15:41:46 CK 5FF804C8
I would add ld 60 in the background routines and it will
do a reset counters everytime the system does a audit
and check if you are getting LOS's durning the time frame
of the audits and let the system clock on loop 25 to see
if it is a timing issue. What does the D-Channel messages
say? Release...
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