THis is for a website
Product descriptions can be long and im using a popup with set length and width to display the item description.
So i want the end of description to say ...(Click to read more)
-----Sample Data of description example:------
"Sample desciption Armoir helps preserve...
Not fully tested but this seems to return a complete word at the end of set length which helps
select top 1 Left([description],(121-Charindex(' ',Reverse(left([description],120)))))from Table
I have a datalist control and inside i have placed a checkbox control now what i need is to be able to check multiple items and the selected items border change to say green or unselect they remain grey.
I am using ajax if its any help.
can anyone provide some suggestions on how to achieve...
No that wont work as there arnt always duplicates is it possible to do multiple checks like this
im looking into the previous function am i able to use this in group footers. I need to use this in the group footers
if Storelocation <> previous(Storelocation) and{manufacturercode}) <>...
Yes there are many other manufacturers
No i dont need NA to appear as in group 3 i can display distnct values in coloumn productprice.
--Storelocation (group1)
--------Category (group 3)
i need to the new coloumn which is productPrice/ totalproductPrice
but getting...
The reason is ABC & ABCNA & productPrice are coloumns in my report so i only need to show the value once
Abc is the manufacturer
Im not sure this is possible with running totals or with functions (previous function to get a distinct value).
I need to work out productPrice/ totalproductPrice (sum of DISTNCT productprice) the report is all designed in the group footers and works great so far
this last coloumn is a pain
I have data which will show duplciates of product price There is a reason for this.
ABC and ABCNA are not always...
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