Are there any performance implications to storing a stored procedure in one database that accesses data in another database? Same server, just a different database. My reason for storing it on the other database is mainly for organizational purposes.
Sorry I forgot the most important part. I don't have access to the list items "before" the fact unfortunately. They come from a database and then the code Response.Writes them out to the page. I've gotten to this part so far,
Set oConnection = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")...
I don't do much VBScript programming, I have some VBScript in an ASP page.
I need to request the value of a server variable which I have done:
Sub GetRoles
dim decryptedRoles
decryptedRoles = Decode(Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_ROLES"))
GetRoles = decryptedRoles
End Sub
One other question, has anyone ever gotten cascading type dropdowns in a update panel to work properly? I notice online there are a lot of problems so I wondered if anyone really ever got this to work successfully.
I'm looking for a way to search a string for a specific div, so that I can remove it. The div does have an id so it should be easy to find the start index, but I'm not sure how to indicate that the end index should be "</div>". How can I accomplish this?
When adding a plain update panel (no additional options set or triggers): The entire page posts back but the dropdowns work properly.
When adding an update panel with ChildrenAsTriggers="false" UpdateMode="Conditional" and an async trigger ControlID="ddlCountry"...
Ugh. I figured it out. In our header, on the master page, there was a google search they made from some older code that had a form tag in it. I removed it and now it works. Thanks for your help!
Hmm. I removed the update panels, and did the following and it still isn't working:
<td class="style1">
<asp:Label ID="lblCountry" runat="server"...
i found an article that seems to describe my problem, but I don't fully understand it. The key point from the article ( is:
"So, the conclusion is very simple: "Don't change controls during the async postback that...
This didn't work for me either, the same problem is happening. I still used my code to add list items to the dropdown, but I removed the update panel from the country dropdown and changed the page load code. The same problem is occurring. Did this work for you?
I've been having a lot of trouble trying to implement cascading dropdowns (select a country, and then a state) with regular dropdowns. I've posted on a few other message boards and no one seems to know the answer.
When the country dropdown selection changes, I send the selected value...
Is anyone aware of a control I can embed on an ASP.NET page (VS 2008) that will play a .wma file? I believe I can embed the windows media player but in the past it always required user interaction because it's active x. My boss opposed to the user having to install anything first so I'm...
I have a SQL Datasource attached to a GridView. The SQL Datasource accepts a few parameters. I'm trying to provide sort of multiple filtering capabilities. So I may need to include logic to filter on only one parameter, not both. Is it possible for me to use the same SQL Datasource for all...
I have some data that I am "pivoting" and storing in a DataTable. The original subset of data needs to be filtered various ways, then pivoted and bound to a GridView. The data is display only, I don't need to allow for editing, etc. I want to make sure that I'm not creating copies of...
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