I have the following formula to turn a decimal number into feet-inches-16ths. My only problem is I would like to have the leading zero not appear if it is only inches-16th.
Formula: =IF(SIGN(D3)=-1,"- ","")&INT(ROUND(ABS(D3)*16,0)/16/12)&"'-"&TEXT((MOD(ROUND(ABS(D3)*16,0)/16,12)),"#...
I'll try one last time.
B16: 10 - manual variable
L16: $0.30 - variable that changes based on choices from a drop down table
M16: $1.30 - variable that changes based on choices from a drop down table
Q16: $4.20 - formulated result based on If(and(L16>0,M16>0),(B16*0.32)+1,0) **0.32 and 1 are...
=IF(OR(L16>0,M16>0),(B16*0.32)+(1),0) - this is my original formula.
If L16 and M16 has a value larger than 0, then B16 is multiplied by 0.32 and factor 1 is added.
If Only L16 has a value larger than 0, then B16 multiplied by 0.32.
If neither has a value larger than 0, then a null result is...
Result #1: $3.20 - if only L16 has a value
Result #2: $4.20 - if L16 and M16 has a value
Result #3: $0.00 - if neither L16 nor M16 has a value
Those are the 3 possible results I am trying to achieve. L16 and M16 are filled in based on drop down choices from another area.
Thank you for the formula. My apologies, I forgot to mention, if L16=0, then the answer should be zero.
My original formula accounts for that.
Thank you.
I need some assistance in completing a formula. I am trying to write a formula that must show 1 of 2 results. See example:
Cell B16: 10
Cell L16: $0.30
Cell M16: $1.30
Cell Q16 must give one of the following results (b16*0.32) if M16=0, or (b16*0.32)+1 if M16>0, or 0 if neither is true.
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