Please look into attached image, and you'll know immediately.
The path in green is where the build picks up the source code. We don't want this information embeded inside the dll. It's a release version, somehow got debug information inside? How can we get rid of it?
Below is the code we run...
I am a build engineer of some VB6 and MSVS VB applications. I notice the directory path (the location of source code, e.g. c:\build_views\v70r3\ ....) information is stored in the generated dll, exe.
This gives us a lot trouble, because I can't use another path to build the dlls, otherwise...
Can anyone explain to me in details how the above work?
The objective I guess is to get the lines start with >> from the following output.
------------------- output -----
Comparing the following:
I can't run any VBScript on the server. When I run it from command line, it gets displayed in Wordpad.
In addition, when I got an error "Invalid procedure call or argument" when I do a
Set MyShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell"). The wield thing is a subsequent call to MyShell.Run...
New question: now if I want to pass in one of parameter a variable, what's the format? I tried the following but got a "parameter" as the value, not "headline".
Dim parameter
parameter = "headline"
Log (parameter)
scmd="C:\Temp\get_parameters.bat -a ""USD_WS"" -ref parameter -sf...
I need to call a remote batch file from VBScript. I try to use this:
Set MyShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
The program I need to call is
Program.bat -a "USD_WS" -ref "42" -sf "xxx" -sfns "yyyy" -u "id" -desc "description zzz"
How should I write this line? I don't...
Then how to transfer from
Really not a programmer, thanks a lot.
Hi All
Not a Perl programmer but have to write something. How to take out the last word "WebLinks_docs" from the following string? Thanks a lot.
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