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Search results for query: *

  1. gcaramia

    component for search images on internet

    Thanks DjangMan I solved using URLEncode. Thanks very match
  2. gcaramia

    component for search images on internet

    DjangMan Yes, of course ... but what i means is: - There is a dbgrid - the user select a row and with a double-click on it i want to open a webbrowser with the result of the searched images related to some words contained into the dbgrid-row
  3. gcaramia

    component for search images on internet

    I need to insert in my D7 application an internet image search. What i'm looking for is something that i can call with some parameters (words relating to images i need). Something as google search image engene. Does anybody knows if exists a component (free/not free)? or how can solve ? Thanks...
  4. gcaramia

    Web Service Client

    I want to use web services, for the first time, in my application Delphi7. So i used this tutorial: http://www.devarticles.com/c/a/Delphi-Kylix/Creating-a-Web-Service-Client-with-Delphi/ to try a public web service. It seems to be very easy to approach SOAP client but... my application erase...
  5. gcaramia

    How can i Scroll DBgrid to the bottom

    If your structure is: Table1->DataSource1->Dbgrid1 with Table1.Last your DBgrid shall display the bottom of the table.
  6. gcaramia

    Retrieve Files and Subfolders from a Directory?

    This link can help http://www.delphifaq.com/faq/f98.shtml Gianni
  7. gcaramia

    Jump to end of TDBEdit

    Sorry procedure TForm1.EditTempChange(Sender: TObject);
  8. gcaramia

    Jump to end of TDBEdit

    Why not: procedure TForm1.EditTemp(Sender: TObject); var degset : set of 'C'..'F'; begin if EditTemp.Text = '' then Exit; degset := ['C','F']; if EditTemp.Text[Length(EditTemp.Text)] in degset then Begin if Pos('°',EditTemp.Text) = 0 then Begin EditTemp.Text...
  9. gcaramia

    Jump to end of TDBEdit

    A better explanation on what i mean: You can set EditTemp property AutoSelect to False; In EditTemp.OnEnter event, set: EditTemp.SelStart:=Length(EditTemp.Text); gianni
  10. gcaramia

    Jump to end of TDBEdit

    EditTemp.AutoSelect := False; EditTemp.SelStart:=Length(EditTemp.Text); Hope this can help Gianni
  11. gcaramia

    Add picture in word documents

    Sorry i forgot a library: uses comobj,word2000; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var wdgotolast,wdgotopage,wdgotoabsolute : olevariant; begin Word := CreateOLEObject('Word.Application'); Word.Visible := true; Word.Documents.Open(GetCurrentDir+'\word.doc')...
  12. gcaramia

    Add picture in word documents

    Thanks DjangMan !!! Solution: uses comobj; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var wdgotolast,wdgotopage,wdgotoabsolute : olevariant; begin Word := CreateOLEObject('Word.Application'); Word.Visible := true; Word.Documents.Open(GetCurrentDir+'\word.doc')...
  13. gcaramia

    Add picture in word documents

    DjangMan No. i didn't. I can try this solution. But how can i run the macro from inside Delphi ? As parameter in ShellExecute ? Thanks Giovanni
  14. gcaramia

    Add picture in word documents

    With Delphi 7 Pro I need to add a picture (signature) at the bottom of word documents (office 2003/2007). Documents may have one or more pages each. I'have tried with ole: uses comobj; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var wdgotolast,wdgotopage,wdgotoabsolute : olevariant...
  15. gcaramia

    Delphi 2007 tool palette like D7?

    http://www.twodesk.com/minipalette/index.html gianni
  16. gcaramia

    Question about Databases

    I think that in dbf structure there is not field type 'smallint' but only 'Number' that is = float Gianni
  17. gcaramia

    why do I seem to get a critical exclaim on keypress & setfocus?

    use this: procedure TForm1.Edit1KeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char); begin if key = #13 then begin key := #0; edit2.setfocus; end; end; giovanni
  18. gcaramia

    String Date Formatting

    try EncodeDateTime Function. ... From Delphi 7 Help: EncodeDateTime returns a TDateTime that represents a specified year, month, day, hour, minute, second, and millisecond. Delphi syntax: function EncodeDateTime(const AYear, AMonth, ADay, AHour, AMinute, ASecond, AMilliSecond: Word):TDateTime...
  19. gcaramia

    How to obtain the value of windows environment variable?

    SELECT HOST_NAME() is what i'm looking for !!! all others return the servername (computername where the instance of MSSQL is resident) Thanks Jamfool
  20. gcaramia

    How to obtain the value of windows environment variable?

    I need that a query returns the computername (or any other enviroment variable defined on a client) Something as: select "@@computername" where computername is the name of pc where the query is invoked. Is there a stored procedure or any other magic tip ? Thanks gianni

Part and Inventory Search
