I have created a very simple window service using visual studio 2010 and .Net 4.0.
This service has no functionality added from the default windows service project, other than an installer has been added.
If I put the files on my local mach and run installutils, it works.
If I put the files on...
is there a way to get all sqls that i run throgh one connection
in ado.net
i know it sounds simple since i am the one that sends them,
but i use some times commandbuiolder and other things
and it is important for me to get the sql's that i am running.
thank in advance
i can think of a simple way.
your c# application can get an argument that tels it where the access file is. for example suppose your apication name is myProgram.exe and the access file is c:\mdb1 you should call it from your access file
myProgram.exe c:\mdb1
int the main function of the c#...
thank misterstick for your help
i found out what the problem was.
both the called class and the caller had reffrences to a base class.
i did kind of what you wrote but, i placed the called class in a diffrent librery from the caller.
so then when i called the class from the caller. the .net...
how can i do casting using reflection.
for examlple if i have a class in a DLL
i want in another aplication to load that class,
and assign it to a variable of type that the specific class
i cant do it,
i keep getting error.
you can solve it within the database or outside.
it is possible (althgh i dont recomend it)
to use a trigger on the booking table, after insert.
you will cheack there if there are too many booking,
and if there arfe, to rase an errro, and then the insert will be cancled.
i suggest that you have a table with one field of tpe date time,
and you will enter to it all the dates in the next 100 years,
and then you can do what you want without any problem.
tim (and also dian)
thank you for your help.
the problem i have with tim's idea,
is that i dont have all the sources of the classes
that do the comunication. they are writtne by a business asociate of the company i work in. so i nead a solution that is not based on code.
right now i have one...
im not getting an error,
it just doesnt use the proxy.
my system administratot monitors the network,
and my program doesnt try to use the proxy, but goes diractly to the ip-adress.
im hoping for a solution that does not involve aditional code.
why do you think m setting doesnt work?
hi everybody,
i have a program that does http comunication.
my system administrator wants the program to comunicate throgh a proxy server. im tring to make the java environment use a proxy server.
one option that i tired is to use :
jave -DproxySet=true -DrpoxyHost=@@@ -DproxyPort=@@@ myclass...
the question is if the same record has information in both tables.
it it does then full outer join is the way to go,
but you should write:
FROM HospA.dbo.charges FULL OUTER JOIN
HospB ON HospB.case_mix_id = HospB.case_mix_id
if those are compleately diffrent records,
then you should...
JNameNotTaken , thank you but your suggestion didnt work,
i still get one hour after my real hour.
i dont understand exactly what you are saying.
i think that you have a point that it has something to do with the summer time, but i dont know how.
in israel it is now a summer time.
hi everybody,
i want to get the system time.
as simple as it sounds it doesnt work.
im using the following code:
TimeZone tz = TimeZone.getTimeZone("Asia/Tel_Aviv");
Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance(tz);
myDate = (formatter.format(c.getTime().getTime()));
i allways assumed that com+ doesnt save states.
lately i cheacked it. i wrote a simple class that has one property and entered it into the component services.
then i wrote an exe that defines 1000 clases and initilizes this property.
to my suprise every instance of the class rememberd its...
hi everybody,
i appriciate all of your help.
still, some comments
1) MicroSofts' Data Analyser isn't worth much.
2) what i really want is an activex or asp.net component to show microsoft anlysyis service cubes, and to be simple and chip. i cant belive that there isn't any.
i have the next problem:
my COM+ server has MDAC2.7 installed, and the client has DMAC2.6
when i pass recordsets from the server to the client i get "automation error".
obviously one solution is to change the installation, but i canot, because there are other programs in that company...
i am looking for a front-end to microsoft-analysys Analysis Services.
it has to be something like the olap browser in the enterprise manager itself, but look better, and be web enabled.
what options do i have?
i would like you to recomand me of a good database managemant program for oracle. it have to have the abbility to define triggers, procedures, tables and to extract ddl. im using now the EZSql and im not so happy with it.
any sugestions ?
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