Well that doesn't seem to quite work,
here's the code to move items...
function MovePlayers(lstPlayerSelect,lstPlayerQueue,action)
//function fnMoveItems(lstbxFrom,lstbxTo)
var varFromBox = document.all(lstPlayerSelect);
var varToBox = document.all(lstPlayerQueue);
var varMove =...
Essentially, I have an ASP.net page where I load a record set server side and upload it into a listbox. I'm trying to do all the movement functionalities of the listbox items client side.
Specifically, I'm trying to figure out how to copy selected listbox items from one listbox to another --...
I'm trying to create a validation program which entails throwing everything in a csv file that i have into array and then looping through it and doing a comparison.
Here is some of my preexisting code which currently finds the name of a file that I want to do a comparison off by basically...
I have the following query
FROM customer_data.cd_soccer_field_season
group by country_desc
order by count(*)desc
how do i go about printing out only the first row of the output?
I have the following code and im not sure what is missing or coded wrong here...
Using: Oracle 10g
open x_cursor;
fetch x_cursor bulk collect into x_tab;
for ii in 1 .. x_tab.count loop
personID := x_tab(ii).personID;
if profile_tab.exists (ipersonID)...
I'm trying to combine two rows under one column.
using: oracle 10g
Here is my code
cr.report_id as report_id,
cr.report_name as report_name,
ei.info as info
from SPSS.WEB_CLIENT_REPORTS_NFL CR, spss.web_report_extra_info_nfl EI
where cr.report_id = ei.report_id
I'm not entirley sure if that's exactly what i want, is there another fix to this problem so that the proc outputs the correct number of rows without hardcoding a maximum value?
When I run my current procedure, it seems to be getting caught in a never ending loop, not entirley sure what the problem is...? I'm not quite the expert so if possible, the more detail in the explaniation the better...thanks in advanced!!
--The cursors
cursor konami_mlb_pitchers_crsr is...
I kept everything the same except for the suggestion that you recommended and when i ran the query it threw an error..."not a single-group group function" Any ideas?
I'm trying to add a union statement(my statement is towards the bottom of the page )to the following cursor, but when i compile it says "query block has incorrect number of result columns." I understand why this is, but how do i go about solving the problem.
Can somone please explain to me what is happening in this code...
If InStr(iTeamID,"lg") Then
iLeagueID = Replace(iTeamID,"lg","")
iTeamID = ""
tTeamName = ""
iLeagueID="9" 'All players (I-A and I-AA)
End If
I'm basically try to write a piece of code that displays which overtime it is based on the quarter of the game. Not sure if logic is correct and positive syntax isn't correct.
if cInt(quarters) > 4 then
ot = (""&cInt(quarters) - 5&" OT))"
ot = " "
end if
If for example quarters...
im working in pl/sql and I keep getting the error componet 'first' must be declared, and i have no idea why...
here is my code for my cursor and proc
cursor cGetTeamStats is
select *
from varsity.soccer_period_results
where game_code = p_GameCode;
type team_stats_1d is table of...
yeah I tried that...unfortunatly it didn't do the job, any other suggestions?
I also tried :
If iLeagueID = "0" and iTeamID = "0" then
tSQL = tSQL & " AND main.cfb_division_id = 1"
tPlayerFilter = tPlayerFilter & " - Division: I-A"
leagueAndTeamProcessed = True
End If...
(This is a classic asp page pulling data from an oracle database) I basically just want the first if statement to overwrite the second statement in the case that the criteria of the first if statement is met. So basically if the league_id value is 0 and the team id value is 0 I would like the...
(This is a classic asp page pulling data from an oracle database)(I know this is the wrong forum but it's still the same basic fudamentals and the closes to what i need...thanks) I basically just want the first if statement to overwrite the second statement in the case that the criteria of the...
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