I am trying to get all the standard job#, origpriority and mainttype for a giving mainttype (e.g.MF). The script I wrote is just giving me the first 20 results (much like the screen dataset in MSQ690). Does anyone know to scroll through the blocks for both retrieval and updating (I would like...
Is it possible for you to be more specific. Here is my code:
Set GetRefCodesBlock = gobjMIMS.Blocks.New
With GetRefCodesBlock.Requests.New
.AddFieldNameValue MIMSX_FLAG_SERVICE, "RefCodes.Fetch"
.AddFieldNameValue MIMSX_FLAG_REPLYLIST, "RefCode" entityvalue = districtcode &...
I don't think this would work. I am trying to retrieve the reference codes that are assigned to a particular work order and then reassign (copy) it to another work order.
The refcodes class changes the reference code but I just need to change the reference code assignment to a particular work...
I would like to store current reference codes and modify reference codes using Connector scripting. Has anyone done this before?
Here is the Mincom documentation:
WorkOrder.Detail Method
This method is used to invoke the Detail window
of the MIMS/UI WorkOrder application.
Thank you Archimedez. I was able use the exclude work order. The only arguments required were the WO # and district. See code below:
Set Modify740Block = gobjMIMS.Blocks.New
With Modify740Block.Requests.New
.AddFieldNameValue MIMSX_FLAG_SERVICE, "SCHEDULEDTASKS.ExcludeWorkOrder"...
Does anyone have the documentation for this method? My 5.23 documentation (chm file) does not include this method (page cannot be displayed error).
It seems as if this method is new to 5.23 and Mincom forgot to compile the help file with it :)!
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