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  • Congratulations Chris Miller on being selected by the Tek-Tips community for having the most helpful posts in the forums last week. Way to Go!

Search results for query: *

  1. Asender

    Conditional Formating Interaction within Several Ranges on Excel

    Hi there. I have a spreadsheet which looks roughly like this: Available Location Trigger1 Trigger2 Trigger3 Trigger4 Y File1 MEM1 MEM1 Y File2 MEM2 MEM2 MEM2 Y File3 MEM3 MEM3 N File4...
  2. Asender

    reading part of file into sas

    Here is another option to consider: data skipped; length MyID $ 10; infile 'c:\6411skipped.txt' scanover missover; input @ ':' MyID $10.; run; A.
  3. Asender

    Calculate conditional MEAN in SAS

    Hi Zenith. Based on the specific example you have given I came up with this: proc sql; create table RESULTS as select a.week, a.day, price, b.meanp from TEST a...
  4. Asender

    Macro variable resolution order

    Chris. Sorry for posting again so soon. I think I understand what is going on. Even though the macro (email020) is being called from within another macro (Report1 or Report2), code within the %inc is being resolved in open code. Try adding this %let to (program2): *** PROBLEM2...
  5. Asender

    Macro variable resolution order

    Hiya Chris. Thanks very much for replying. I must confess that I have already considered and dismissed the global declaration solution. True, the code now runs with no compilation error, but if you examine the new log you will see that the macro variable email has the same value ('2' - the...
  6. Asender

    Macro variable resolution order

    Hi. Can someone please explain why macro variable email is not resolving? Here is some code the generates the WARNING. *** Program 1 ***; %macro report1; %let email = 1; %inc dev(program2); %mend report1...
  7. Asender

    Extra spaces in datalines

    Can you not just use modified list input? (I think it's called that) data ThreeDates; input Date1 :mmddyy10. Date2 :mmddyy10. Date3 :date9.; Year12 = yrdif(Date1,Date2,'Actual'); Year23 = round(yrdif(Date2,Date3,'Actual')); format Date1 Date2 Date3 date9...
  8. Asender

    FTP £ character from Mainframe to PC

    Hi Chris. Thanks for the reply, I kinda thought as much. Unfortunately where I am contracting at the moment getting any changes to the mainframe set-up would require some sort of Satanic Ritual, possibly with a Virgin Sacrifice. At this time all the virgins are needed for coding. Anyway, as...
  9. Asender

    FTP £ character from Mainframe to PC

    Hi everybody. I am FTP'ing a dataset from mainframe to PC (csv) with a literal text strings as headers. Once of the headers contains a £ character. However, this is being converted to a $ during the transfer of the data. I need to keep this £ as a £, can anyone help? Kind Regards, Chris...
  10. Asender

    How does SAS order variables in PDV.

    Hi Klaz. I'm glad I'm not the only one stumped. I think the order of evaluation must have something to do with it. Check this out: first = second + third + fourth; gives (first, third, second and fourth). however, first = second + (third + fourth); gives (first, fourth, third and second)...
  11. Asender

    How does SAS order variables in PDV.

    Hi there. This is more a curiosity that a problem. Most experienced SAS programmers will be familiar with the concept of the Program Data Vector (PDV) and how SAS populates it with variables as a SAS Data Step is compiled. This little excerpt from a SUGI paper sums up how I understand it...
  12. Asender

    Macro resolution query

    Hi. Apologies first for a long post. I am calling a macro from a dataset which contains the locations of several SAS logs. Once the log has been checked I create a macro variable which I want included in the subject field of an email which is created within the macro program. My problem is...
  13. Asender

    Recursive reference to macro variable

    Hi Klaz. Thanks very much for the reply. Yip, remove the %str and Bobs your uncle. I had to initialise the macro variable list1 with a %let list1= in order to get rid of the last error. Believe it or not, I did come up with the proc sql solution myself (I must be getting better at this...
  14. Asender

    Recursive reference to macro variable

    Hi all. Can anyone help me with this problem. I am attempting to create a macro variable that is constructed from the variables names in a target dataset. The code I am using is pulled from the following document. 'Comparing 2 SAS Data Sets: An alternative to Using PROC COMPARE' The...
  15. Asender

    Keyboard generating wrong characters.

    Hi all. Weird. When I got home from work, the original keyboard worked fine. I think the 'phantom spiller' is looking more likely. Thanks to all for your help. Regards, Chris...
  16. Asender

    Keyboard generating wrong characters.

    Hi Rodger. Your quite right. Dismiss the obvious first. I'll borrow a keyboard from work and try it out. Regards, Chris
  17. Asender

    Keyboard generating wrong characters.

    Hi Grenage. I'm going to say no. None of the keys are 'sticky' and there is no sign of any thing being stuck. I noticed a strange thing when I was in the kids logon. Outlook seemed to lauch itself. I put it down to the random nature of the character being generated and me smacking away at...
  18. Asender

    Keyboard generating wrong characters.

    Hi All. I'm running XP Home. Tried to log in this morning and discovered that my password was not being accepted at the log in screen. So I logged into my kids logon and booted up Word. Typed in a few keys only to find that gibberish was being generated. e.g. hitting the 'J' key would...
  19. Asender

    Dynamic WHERE and DB2 pass thru

    Hi klaz. Thanks you for your reply. Unfortunately I'm still not getting the results that I require. I now appear to be getting unquoted values passed into the WHERE statement. However, as it is a character field I am searching the values need to be quoted. I have incorporated your suggestion...
  20. Asender

    Dynamic WHERE and DB2 pass thru

    Hi All. I have a problem with that attached code.(see bottom of post) I’m creating a dynamic WHERE statement based on the values I find in the macgen dataset. This works fine in a ‘normal’ SAS data step, however when I attempt the same in my SQL DB2 pass thru it spits out the following –...

Part and Inventory Search
