I had a simillar problem. Most switches are factore default to Auto. I have had to manually configure mp HP2524 ad Netgear FSM726's manually to 100Full or half.
I have installed a Netgear FSM726. I am able to communicate with it only when i am directly connected either with IP or Console. As soon as I try to connect to it from another site my browser times out. I can only get two replies from a ping.
Any Ideas.
I'm thinking of returning it.
I have a pair of Cisco 1700 series routers bridging to a single workstation. I have to remove this bridge and route packets to this single workstation. I figured to hard code an ip but how will the user authentication work. I don't want to install a server for a single machine.
Is this possible?
I have a Cisco 1700 router with one Ethenet and two serial ports. Bridging is a must. The serial ports are connected to two 512 K leased lines. When i enter Bridge Group 1 and Bridge Group 2 under the fastethernet i get an error message and my Serial1 is shut down administrative.
I have 4 total Txt Boxes in my report footer. They contain currancy values in Euros. I want to Populate 4 Lbl.captions with Canadian values for these txt values. I've run out of ideas.
Here is my last effort:
I = ChangeCurrency()
'textboxes are hidden in report detail section...
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