I've got a weird problem.
On one of my webservers (haven't noticed the problem on any other at least) I have a problem with the two webservices.
The server call on external webservices (let's call the hostnames server.hostname.com and server123.host.com) to verify user identity and...
I've been trying back and forth for a while now.
It's quite frustrating when I'm testing with a swedish version of MS Office 2010. The swedish development and translation team must have had busy days when this version was introduced. For instance VLOOKUP is called VTSÖK in sweden. In Office...
I have two spreadsheets. Let's call them X and Y
In X I have two columns which I would like to populate with information from two columns in spreadsheet Y.
spreadsheet Y containt the following two columns in $A1:$A3 and $B1:$B3
company x adress to company x
company y...
...the first time, but I didn't recieve any color.
It led me to believe that the method was wrong.
I wrote
When I checked the rules again Excel had put the formula in quotas for some weird reason.
When I deleted them it worked like a charm.
Thanks *star*
I'm trying to use condiational formatting in excel 2010 to do the following.
I have column with different dates
I want to change the background color if the date in each cell reaches a certain age.
For instance. If $A$1 is a older then a year...
the webapplication is owned and maintained be a third party supplier. It can't be changed, at least not easily. XML would be superb, but for now I'll have to manage with the html files.
How would I do the following.
On a webpage, list 10 different services with up or down status?
I want to...
I supervise a bunch of services. Each of these services can respond with their status and wellbeeing if I call upon them using a webapplikation in Apache Tomcat that generates simple html files.
For instance. I browse to http://webserver:8080/recid=123 to bring up the status for...
prex1: I added the errorcodes which was very informative *star* Thanks.
kordaff: I've tried using $_ is input before but I never got it to work. I don't have my original code left for comparison, but it really doesn't matter since the code you posted do what I want. It reads line by line from...
I really appreciate your input. Thanks a lot.
I've tried changing to the code you wrote. No luck.
There must be something wrong with the setup of variables from the input file.
This works like a charm.
my $DISTNAME = 'cn=admin,ou=unit,o=organisation,l=locality,c=country';
my $DISTNAME2 =...
thanks for your response.
The reason i print $diffdn is to see if it list the content of my input files. which it does. The input file is fairly big/long so I commented it out so it wouldn't interfere with the errorcodes. However the command doesn't die so the $! doesn't show anything. I guess...
I've tried all sorts of quotas around variables and commands without success. I tried removing the single ones from the command, but unfortunately it didn't help.
Do you see anything else that's different or wrong?
Am I doing it right when I extrakt the $_ from the input and use that as...
I'm trying to do the following.
Connect to an ldap server and modify an object (objectclass=groupofuniquenames).
The object has an attribute called uniquemember and it's value (multivalued attribute) are several distinguished names (DN).
I want to update these uniquemembers with a list of...
I have a rather simple question.
I have an old DAP-server with and LDAP-interface for full LDAP functionallity.
I want to search all users (objectclass=inetorgperson) that has the same user-id (uid).
How do I do that using a simple ldap filter/search?
If I have to script it TCL och perl...
I don't think you're gonna get much more wiser but here goes.
It's a command to get output from a caché database
I first used
cache -U '%SYS' 'ALL^%FREECNT'; Prompt;
which made me hit 'enter' two times before showing me results.
I later ran
echo -e 'd ALL^%FREECNT\n\n\nh'|cache
I managed to solve the problem by using a different command to get the output. By using this method I don't have to enter 'enter' before I receieve the output.
Thanks a lot for your help.
sorry, my english isn't what it used to be :)
I don't want to sort, just filter out a certain part of an output/file. in this case column 4.
You are correct in asuming I only want to send the information if the criteria is met. I therefor ran your script using a file instead of a variable and...
I want to do the following.
run a command and sort the output.
Before I receive the output the command itself requires me to hit enter two times. Obviously I want to automate this.
The output then looks something like this.
1 2 3 4 5
value1 value2 value3 value4...
thanks a bunch.
I was told the {}´s was needed if I had spaces on the line. Obviously they ignore the $-variable. Sadly enough I never tried it with "". noobie question without a doubt, but now it's working.
I want to insert a variable in a set line.
for instance if a have a variable containing usernames $username and a want to set a new variable by inserting the this variable.
set x {/usr/home directories/$username}
When I try this it simply writes it as /usr/home/$username instead of...
I tried running prostrct repair xxx.st
It changed the .db file accordingly, but now I get an errormessage saying I'm trying to start a duplicate of the first/original database. That db isn't even started.
I'm guessing I'll have to take this back to square one. Meaning... lookup up the proper...
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