function showM()
const collection = document.getElementsByClassName("m");
if (screen.width>610)
for (let i = 0; i < collection.length; i++)
for (let i = 0; i < collection.length; i++)...
I use a media query to set the two columns of my table under each other on mobile devices:
@media screen and (max-width:610px) {td,tr {display:block;}}
One row of the table contains two radio buttons to hide or show other rows (in class "m") in the table:
<td>Geeft u machtiging?</td>...
I am trying to protect a webpage with basic autentication, however (both on a local WAMP-server and on my providers server), I cannot get any authentication. Even with the following code which should, I assume, only check for the presence of any username, authentication is refused:
I am uploading multiple photos, where I want to reject photos that are too big, using essentially:
<form action='file_upload.php' method='POST' enctype='multipart/form-data'>
<input type='file' name='files[]' multiple>
file_upload.php contains:
foreach ($_FILES['files']['tmp_name']...
Aaaargh! That was it; in my haste to try your solution I failed to add the [highlight #F57900]header separator[/highlight] to the previously last, and now penultimate, header. It is now of course working. Thank you for your forbearance!
Thank you for this, but infortunately it yielded a mail full of ASCII. I did however subsequently find
mail($to, $subject, wordwrap($t, 70), $headers);
that solved this problem.
I am trying to adapt a menu found on internet to this page. My problem is that the second level menu occupies the whole screen width, and not just the constrained width of the first level. Playing with the css properties of the subnav-content class (see below) has not yeilded me anything...
Thank you for this, which I understand. I now have the following code (now with original Dutch text)
$result = $q->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
set_error_handler(function($errno, $errstr, $errfile...
Line 61 must give an array of filesnames of the form /impressie/yyyymmdd.*a.* and load the first one into $thumbnail (and this is what indeeed happens if such files exist, the normal condition). If no such files exist the error message is indeed correct; however my question is: why is this not...
I read dates from a table and show a thumbnail and link for each date. The thumbnails are in folder /impressie/yyyymmdd/ . The following script works fine if the folders do exist. I want, however, to catch the case that the folder does not exist (that is to say: wrong date in table)
$result =...
Hello Feherke,
Thank you very much for this - just what I needed. Thanks also for the style tips; my little fund of PHP-knowledge just keeps growing!
I have a form that validates each field with code like
if (empty($input['surname'])) {$err=$err . "• Surname is missing<br>";}
else{if (!preg_match("/^[\p{L}. '-]*$/u",$input['surname'])) {$err = $err . "• Surname is invalid<br>";}}
then checking if $err is still empty.
Thank you; however I only see the $data array. Perhaps my description was misleiding, my actual script (version 8.1.5) is:
try {$db = new PDO("mysql:host=".HOST.";dbname=".DBNAME, USER, PASS);}
catch(PDOException $e) {exit("Geen verbinding met...
I have a two dimensional array $data:
How can I prepend a row $heads?:
P.S. The reason I am doing this is to submit the resultant array to SimpleXLSXGen
I am generating a HTML e-mail containing a table with php 7.4. If my table contains a limited number of records (say 10) everything works fine (in Microsoft Outlook) , but with longer tables a space is periodically (about ever 1200 characters - very rough estimate) inserted into the html of the...
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