Give the man a star, then. It is the only way to show your appreciation...
"Every program can be reduced by one instruction, and every program has at least one bug. Therefore, any program can be reduced to one instruction which doesn't work." (Object::PerlDesignPatterns)
Not a BLOB, but a CLOB (character large object) for the text. I think M$ SQL Server might even support an indexable text column type. You will need the filter to pull the text out of the PDF but you will only have to do that once per document when you store it. Might even be practical to...
Select the current timestamp into p_created_timestamp (is that some kind of Hungarian notation?). Then use p_created_timestamp in the value clause of the insert instead of current_timestamp.
"Every program can be reduced by one instruction, and every program has at least one bug...
From CPAN, File::Tail seems to do what you want. It even recomputes the sleep time dynamically (up to a maximum limit) based on how active the log file is, so it doesn't continually poll the file when nothing much is happening.
"Every program can be reduced by one instruction, and every...
prex1 is right about the scanned-content PDFs although many scanning applications have OCR which adds machine readable text based on the content of the scanned document into the PDF.
I was thinking of a workflow which went something like:
[ol 1]
parse the text of the document using split or...
I've never actually coded anything like this, but I've thought about it a few times in response to some user requirements.
I'd always imagined having some kind of many-to-many relationship between the words you parse out of the documents, and the documents themselves (on a DBMS). That way you'd...
Executing another script in backticks will shell it out as a new, separate process. It can't return data in the way you want, although if it does a print of each line to STDOUT the resulting print lines will be returned as an array (but you will have to chomp the array to remove the linefeeds)...
Are you sure that $ARGV[0] actually contains the whole subject line and not just the first word? This might account for why it only 'works' for services becaues it goes down the else path.
Try putting in aprint '$subject=', $subject, "\n";before the match attempt to see what you are actually...
IEBUPDTE, now that really is old-school. Sadly, I did exactly that about three weeks ago for another problem I was dealing with, and it works just fine [smile]
"Every program can be reduced by one instruction, and every program has at least one bug. Therefore, any program can be reduced...
Indeed. What was happening with your original attempt was that the first backslash was escaping the \n causing it to be treated as a literal.
"Every program can be reduced by one instruction, and every program has at least one bug. Therefore, any program can be reduced to one instruction...
Or alternatively use file tailoring to create the members instead of EXECIO; each call to FTCLOSE allows you to specify the member name it is going to write. So you'd only need one DD card pointing to the library.
"Every program can be reduced by one instruction, and every program has at...
Unless you have a specific reason to use perl for this task (like you want to learn it, for example), why not just use diff?
If you do want to learn perl, then as the saying goes "I wouldn't start from here...". A naive comparison program is easy enough, if the records of both files are sorted...
Echoing 1DMF's comments, with:
Procedural programmming is a completely different paradigm to OO. If you are learning to write new programs rather than maintain other people's I'd probably advise you to go down the OO route from the word go, then you won't be tempted to write procedural code in...
The big problem with CSV files is that there is no definitive standard for how they should be coded, more of a general guideline. So what you have may be bulletproof as far as Excel is concerned, but cannot be completely generic for all CSVs.
"Every program can be reduced by one...
Although this might be regarded as cheating, it works.../* rexx */
trace i
symbolic = c2x('&SYS.')
override = c2x('PP2')
"ISREDIT CHANGE X'" || symbolic || "' X'" || override || "' ALL"
"Every program can be reduced by one instruction, and every program has at least...
XML is deceptively simple. Writing something to parse your XML is relatively easy. Writing something to parse any standards-compliant XML is a different thing altogether. By the time you've thrown in attributes, namespace handling, CDATA sections, etc. you've got a big piece of work on your...
Indeed. But I need to run between 500-1500 discrete transactions per second, so I can't afford the overhead of the prepares.
"Every program can be reduced by one instruction, and every program has at least one bug. Therefore, any program can be reduced to one instruction which doesn't...
Try using one of the many programmer's editors available - jedit is pretty good (and free), but everybody has their own favourites. The coloured syntax highlighting provided by the editor will help you to see the syntax errors as you are coding the program.
"Every program can be...
Thanks, but at the transaction rates I need to support, dynamic SQL isn't really an option for me.
"Every program can be reduced by one instruction, and every program has at least one bug. Therefore, any program can be reduced to one instruction which doesn't work."...
The source control system is still using the DB2 v7 precompiler. When I compile using the v8 version, it's fine...
"Every program can be reduced by one instruction, and every program has at least one bug. Therefore, any program can be reduced to one instruction...
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