PHV. That worked great for what I was asking for. I have run into another quandry relating to the same query. If my table that I am querying on has a null field for one of the values I have put in the such as (C.szSearch_key Between Nz([Forms]![frmPayrollHistory]![txtCostCode]. Then my...
I only want the criteria to be what the user populates. For example there are five areas for them to enter data. 2 areas(employee id range and date range) need to be populated. The others areas, they can choose to limit their report furter by choosing , one, two or all three extra areas.
I have a form that I need the user to be able to choose what ever they want to fill in to manipulate the query. Currently I can only get a few combinations to work. All combinations require the date range and the employee id range. Currently I can only get the combination of the jobNo to work...
I have a form that I input records. It doesn't allow me to save a record because it is not auto populating the field with the automatic number from the sql backend. When I open the form it opens on a new record. How do I get it to automatically assign the number so it will save a record?
I have tried code and I keep getting this error
"Syntax Error in ALTER TABLE statement"
My code is as follows"
DoCmd.RunSQL "ALTER TABLE Dump ALTER COLUMN Notes number(10)"
I have tried int, plain number etc. I keep getting the same results. If I manually change it from memo to number it...
Yes I see numbers in the datasheet view of the table I am pulling it from as a memo field. I see it as numbers when I create the table when I use the original query. I do not see anything in the field (null), when I use the "int" conversion.
I do not append because it will not append a memo...
The application we are getting this information is a memo field. When we implemented this program we needed a match field created to match up documents with data from two different sources. Unfortunately it is a canned program and the user defined fields are of the memo type and could not be...
I spoke too soon. I just noticed that it does change the data type but no data comes into that field. It should be a a bunch of numbers. I think what has to happen is that the table needs to be created like I do and then run some code to change the data type. Just a thought
It is created by a query.
SELECT dbo_tblApHistHeader.InvoiceNum, dbo_tblApHistHeader.VendorId, dbo_tblApOpenInvoice.InvoiceDate, dbo_tblApHistHeader.Notes, dbo_tblApVendor.Name INTO DUMP
FROM (dbo_tblApHistHeader INNER JOIN dbo_tblApOpenInvoice ON (dbo_tblApHistHeader.InvoiceDate =...
I have a table that is created and dropped each week. It is used as an export to populate and update fields in another program. Unfortunately one table has the field as a memo and the table it is going in is a number data type. I manual change the datatype of the memo field to number before I...
I have a crosstab query that I need the date to be taken from a form when it runs.
This is the current code.
TRANSFORM Sum(HrsForCrossTab.Hours) AS SumOfdHoursWorked_qty
SELECT HrsForCrossTab.EmployeeId, HrsForCrossTab.JobNo
FROM HrsForCrossTab
GROUP BY HrsForCrossTab.EmployeeId...
I think I should mention that there may be several groups of id's such as three records with the same id, 1 record with another id and then maybe 4 of another id. What it needs to do is group the id's together and then concatenate the Description field of the same id's
Sort of. I guess I should figure out how to separate my fields up there. The record should be under ID Column Header, just 25093, and then under Description column header should be (Child Support,401K,Life Insurance)
I have a work table which has two fields in it, a person's id and the deduction description. The person's Id is the matching field in all records. Basically I could group on this field if the other field was a sum or some sort. However the Deftinition is text and I need to create a string of...
and what if I have multiple costcodes to do the same thing to....for example
if {Report.CostCode} = "TM10" or "TM20" OR "CF10" Then
0 else
if {Report.CostCode} = "TM10" or "TM20" OR "CF10" Then
0 else
I must apologize, that issue was what I thought my user wanted and now they have clarified it once I made the change. They want two field values in a record to change if the costcode is TM10 etc. My code is something like this
if {Report.CostCode} = "TM10" Then...
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