Hello. I have a table of contents (TOC) for the images in a book I'm typesetting. The TOC style gets all items with a certain paragraph style, that is applied to the titles or subtitles of each image. The document has a master page with a main text frame, where all text is displayed. The images...
Hi. When I try to draw an oval shape with the Oval Tool, holding shift, I get a perfect circle. Or so I thought. I go over to the properties panel and it always indicates the shape is taller than wider. Where I could expect something like w: 25px, h: 25px, I get w:25px, h: 28.7px, for example...
They don't look fine at all, that's the problem.
So far, the quickest solution I have is to select the whole story, change some property that I can change for the whole text (like text color, since all my text is one color in this case) and then select "clear overrides". This gets the H&J...
I'm typesetting a book using InDesign CS4. As usual, I have "H&J violations" turned on and go around fixing the worst cases, changing tracking and the horizontal scale.
Say I have a paragraph with 10 lines, all of them with varying degrees of h&j violation. Usually, when I make ammends to one...
Hello. This must be a very simple issue, but I couldn't find an answer anywhere. I'm using Flash CS4 and need to underline some text in a static text field. But I can't find that option anywhere.
Can anyone point me out how to do this? Thanks.
Hello. I'm working on a book and the TOC has the page numbers aligned to the right, via a right indent tab, that I defined on the paragraph styles the TOC uses.
Some of the entries, however, are a bit long and so they get too close to the page number or even fill more than one line. This makes...
I'm trying to create a prototype for an animation for a simple preloader. I'm using a line that grows from one side of the screen to the other (1000px wide). I drew the line, created enough frames for the animation, then selected the frames and created a motion tween. On the first frame I made...
Don't mean to just "bump" this thread, but I still have the same doubt and would appreciate it if someone could help me out with a more practical solution.
Thank you.
Ok, the site was down, the link works now. But you misunderstood me, or I didn't explain myself correctly. I know how to do 100%*100% browser window, what I refer to in my post is the true fullscreen, the one you change through stage.displayState.
The post title is basically my question. I'm building a website that has a video background and a menu on top of it. One of the menu buttons allows the user to view the website fullscreen (that I got working), but everything scales accordingly. I would like to make the menu remain in its normal...
Thanks! I hate to make a mess of things like that, because it's still plenty of files, but if it's the only way...
You think that works in mac and pc?
Thank you again.
Hi. I'm building an interactive pdf that will work as the content of an interactive cd. The main document is saved on the "cd" directory, on the desktop. I created a button that will open an external pdf file. The link to the file is an absolute link:
Thankx Andrew. I'm really trying to avoid that solution, though. Although it works, it doesn't save that much time because I would still have to do a lot of master page management by hand, and I was aiming for automation so I could change chapter titles and flow content through pages at will...
...and other ways to move around the content, but can't seem to find a way to build a variable link in the master page, one that changes to match the running header.
Is this even possible? Perhaps with some plug-ins or 3rd party software?
*crosses fingers*
Thanks Kenneth. Another user solved this for me. The problem was I was still exporting to Flash Player 9, because I assumed Flash would export to FP10 by default and so I didn't check. Plus, I had tested tweens with z and rotationX/Y/Z and they worked, only not when applied to instances of...
Hello. I've created a simple custom class that extends Sprite and called it Sprite2. It has no specific methods nor is it in any way different from Sprite, it just extends it. When I create instances of Sprite2 and try to access properties like rotationX/Y/Z or z, I get an error saying "1119...
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