DHookom, I have a question on how to go about something. On my "End Of Day" function, all works fine but I want to change it up a little bit. Right now it's totaling up the total amount brought in for haircuts (IncomeType=6) that day and inserting it into the tblLedger table. I want to separate...
I did it exactly like you said and it works perfectly... Thanks for showing me how to do that, it's simple stuff, but it's the simple things that make it simple
That works perfectly. Thank you! Here's the code I used on the AfterUpdate Event on my cboCustomerName combo box...
Private Sub cboCustomerName_AfterUpdate()
Dim CustomerID As Integer
CustomerID = Me.cboCustomerName.Column(0)
Me.optCoupon.Enabled = (DLookup("CouponFlyer", "tblCustomers"...
DHookom, I have a small issue I'd like a bit of help on if you can. On the same unbound form where user selects type of haircut, payment method, and customer name; I also have a option box to check if the customer has a coupon before they click the cmdSubmit button. A customer can only use one...
When I was stepping through my code, my locals window was showing my salesDate value surrounded by # signs so I assumed I didn't have to put them in my code, but I assumed wrong. I modified the code to be like yours and it works with no problems, thank you very much. Dannie.
...figure it out...Any help would be greatly appreciated...
Dim strSQL As String, salesDate As Date
salesDate = Me.txtHaircutDate
If DCount("*", "tblLedger", "IncomeType = 6 AND LedgerDate = & [highlight #FCE94F]salesDate[/highlight] &") > 0 Then
If MsgBox("You already have a total...
...so there are other recs of incoming money such as (product sales, snacks, refunds, etc...) Thank you again!
Dim strSQL As String
If DCount("*", "tblLedger", "LedgerDate=Date() AND IncomeType = 6 ") > 0 Then
If MsgBox("You already have a total for today. Do you want to overwrite...
I have been building a database for my barber shop. On my unbound "frmHaircuts" I have some option buttons for the user to select which kind of haircut the customer just received. I have corresponding text boxes with DLookups as the control source displaying the price for the selected haircut...
Previous totals won't change but if the need arises, I can make an Update Query to handle that. The haircut table just stores what we've done for each customer. At first it started out as only a barber shop, but now a lady works there doing styles, perms, and coloring for females as well and...
Sure, and thank you for helping.
Here's the SQL statement: SELECT tblHaircuts.HaircutDate, Sum(tblHaircuts.TotalPrice) AS SumOfTotalPrice
FROM tblHaircuts
WHERE (((tblHaircuts.EmployeeID)=1))
GROUP BY tblHaircuts.HaircutDate;
This brings back totals for each day for each employee. The way I...
Hello, I am building a database for a barber shop. Not too complicated and it's coming along well. I have an unbound form that has option buttons for user to select types of haircuts, prices, and payment methods. After all fields are populated, user clicks cmdSubmit button. This runs an Insert...
I am making a frmCustomers form. It is bound to the tblCustomers. On the form I want to put an image box (do i use image boxes, bound/unbound object frames, or Active X controls?). I want the image to only display the image, not store it in the database. I've used the File Dialog Picker before...
I have a problem I can't figure out. I have a couple unbound combo boxes (cboEmployeeName and cboCustomerName) on an unbound form along with other controls as well. There are numerous controls on the form for user to select and once all are selected, I have a submit button that will run a SQL...
I tried both ways just to learn, but the SQLDate Function was the only way I could get it to work. I also coded number signs around my variable in the sql statement and that worked as well but I like the function so I don't have to write the statement every time...Thanks for all the help MajP...
I am having a problem with running a SQL statement. I've dimmed all my variables and it does exactly what I want it to do but I am having a problem with the date variable. It enters it into the table but it's 12/30/1899...I know I have to use # signs but I don't know where to put them in my VBA...
Hello MajP, you helped me a couple years ago with a database I was building for a restaurant...Yes, I am using radio buttons, and I have them all laid out and properly named. I just need direction on how to go about writing a procedure to check all radio buttons' value and make sure that only...
I do have a question on another issue and I was hoping you'd point me in the right direction. On this unbound form I have 8 unbound check boxes that user will select when entering the haircut info into the table. User can only select one of the 8 check boxes because each check box is for each...
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