Many thanks to you Tarwn. I will clean up the HTML and apply your ideas. I can't thank you enough for taking so much time to analyze this and help me out.
...whole shmere into 3 groups of three. Any thoughts how I can do this? Thanks in advance for your input.
set rsEntrees=objConn.execute("select * from qyEntrees")
Response.Write "<tr><td colspan=5 align=center valign=top>" & rsEntrees("entree_notes") & "<tr><td colspan=5 valign=top...
chopstik, please accept my apology. It DID NOT refresh the parent window. I'll do the redirect to an unsecure page, and then run the script. I'll let you know whatever works. Thanks so much for your help.
Hi Chopstick, yes, it reloads the parent page. It's weird, if I take off the "s" from https and refresh the page, it closes the window. Frustrating. I guess I can do a redirect to the child page without the https then run the script again... How clunky! but if it work, who cares, ha!
Still no luck. I need to close the secure window... I need to close the child widow. I thought about posting to the Javascript forum but didn't want to get into trouble. Since it's in an ASP page, I figured I'd have my best luck here. If you have any other ideas, please let me know. Thanks.
Hi all,
I'm using the following in a child page after it posts info to a database:
'refresh parent, close self
With Response
.Write "<script language=javascript>"
.Write "window.opener.location.reload();"
.Write "self.close();"
.Write "</script>"
End With
This worked perfectly...
Greetings, I have a simple query I need to export as "qte.mat" and I am getting a database or object read only error. When I change the name to "qte.txt" it exports perfectly. Anybody know how I can handle this? it HAS to have the "mat" extension. here's my code...
Hi there, I need to export a report to RTF format but can't figure where to put the "where" condition. Here's my code:
DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, "rptMaterialsLoad", acFormatRTF, "c:\xfer\Report.rtf", True
When I print the report I use this code:
DoCmd.OpenReport ("rptMaterialsLoad")...
Thanks again for the info. Now what? Is there a way to run something from windows that will run something on linux? If this is too hard, tell me and I'll leave you alone because I have ZERO idea about any of this, can't seem to find anything "out there" on the internet and need a teeny bit...
Thanks for the speedy reply. I should have said "programmatically". I have FTP and can do it, no prob manually. My big question is, I need a programmatic way to do it. Any other thoughts?
Hi there, I am not familiar with Linux yet [sad]. I have a Microsoft Access application exports a text file. Is there a way to write a batch file to copy it from the windows server to a Linux server? We are a lumber company migrating to a new inventory system that's on the Linux platform and...
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