When I open windows firewall I get this message...
Windows Firewall cannot run because another program or services is running that might use the network address translation component. (Ipnat.sys)
When googling this error i see...This is a domain controller and it is recommended to not run...
My firewall is disabled...This is the first website on this server.
I do not have a NAT configured...do I need to do this even if the firewall is disabled?
HI. I have a website with a webservice that I cant get to be viewed from any computer other than the IIS server it resides on.
A few things I have done...
Added a host header
Added a (A)Name in DNS
Configured my wireless router to push any calls to the correct port to my computers ip address...
I figured out how to set up my router to open up the port to incoming traffic, but I still cannot see my site from another computer. I have a host header...
everything works fine from the server???
It is on an IIS server.
A coworker mentioned that i may have to setup the router to know about incoming requests. (linksys router)
Any insight on how to do that?
I have created an empty website and added a webservice. I can use the webservice correctly on the server it was created on, however, I need to be able to hit it from other servers (not in a network). How do I make it available to the internet?
I've published the website in VS.Net2005. I'm...
i would like to display web based email inside of a web app that i have built. Are there any web parts or dlls that would allow me to expose hotmail or yahoo account emails in my own page?
Can anyone tell me why my datagrid has no rows? The query is definitely bringing back data because I can MsgBox the rst!field1
SQL = "SELECT field1, field2 FROM table"
With rst
.CursorLocation = adUseClient
.Open SQL, cn, adOpenStatic, adLockBatchOptimistic
Can you call web.config something else within an asp.net application.
We need to keep two asp.net applications in the same deployment directory, but need to have seperate web.config files for each. I dont see anywhere where you can change the name of web.config when creating the application.
Yes, I am running IIS, and have the frameworks installed. What I meant was that I dont have Visual Studio .Net installed to be able to go to Help - About to view which version of crystal i have. But i have confirmed that it is the full from Add/Remove programs.
So according to the doc you...
Actually I should say I have Crystal Reports 9 .Net Server on my production server. I dont see any special way to deploy this for the redistributable version. Thanks.
Thanks for your quick responses...
I use the redistributable because I have a full version of crystal reports. The report is called externally from the application, it is not an embedded resource. I dont have anything Visual Studio .Net on my production server...do I need it? It is not a...
Have you had any problems with exporting the crystal report to .pdf? It works great on my development server, but when I install the app on my production server it doesnt export anything. It appears to just not do anything!
Here is a snippet of code...I dont redirect to a different window with...
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