Hello I am writing a script where I have
<%= rsGuestbook ("B1R1G2")%><%if rsGuestbook ("B1R1G2")=rsGuestbook ("B1R1G2w")then value="3" else response.Write(" Lost")end if%><% if value="3" then response.Write(" Win 3 Points")else response.write(" 0 points") end if%>
I know you can do something...
rsone("a1") is a field in table umber 1
rstwo("aw1) is a field that gets populated from antother form in table number 2
I am trying to write an asp page that will compare both fields and if both fields are equal then input a specific number into table 2 field as1
Sorry for the delay reply I have been very sick. I just got back to work. I tried it and at first it did not work but after changing a couple of things it worked.
I really appreciate it. Thank you
...'Set an active connection to the Connection object using a DSN-less connection
adoConpoints.Open "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ=" & Server.MapPath("ncaa.mdb")
'Set an active connection to the Connection object using DSN connection
'adoCon.Open "DSN=guestbook"
'Create an ADO...
theniteowl, thanks so very much for the response, that helps. But I the form is dynamic and to be honest I am not sure how to write the whole javascript could you help me get started?
in advance thanks
Hello all,
I have an asp form that has a field where you can input numbers. I was wondering if there is a way to add a javascript that will check for duplicate numbers. For example if the user enters:
UserName PartNumber StockNumber
Sam 123ABC 1
Sam 123ABC...
Has anybody encountered this
<windows. root.\system32\hal.dll is missing
I have tried pretty much all the options that I have found on the web but still cannot boot. I took the hard drive out and made it a slave the other desktop sees the drive but cannot access it. It says that it need to...
I have an access Form and would like to append excel like documents I saw that under Insert there is an ActiveX Control and if you scroll down you find Microsoft Office Spreadsheet 9.0 in my case. I was wondering if there is a way to make this record specific because as of right now what...
so all it was, it was permissions. Arggg and I thought I had all my permissions checked.
1. Start Registry Editor (Regedt32.exe).
2. Select the following key in the registry:
3. On the Security menu, click Permissions.
4. Type the required permissions for...
I am fairly new to the world of web forms.
I created an asp form with dreamweaver 8.
My first step to create the form was to create an odbc to an access table. In the access table I have about 70 fields or so.
Then open dreamweaver 8 clicked on new asp vbscript, then clicked on...
Thank you so very much for all the help I also tried
This also seems to work
especially thank you anotherhiggins
I am a bit confused now. Sorry about that
ok so what I want to acomplish is that if any of the values in G1 through N1 are less than E1 and Greater than F1 O1 should say "No" and if the values in G1 through N1 are equal or between the values in E1 and F1 it should say "Yes"
for P1 I woluld...
Ok it still kind of works
I Added a "No" and Changed the Yes for No
O1=if(or(max(G1:N1)<E1,min(G1:N1)>F1)),"No","Yes") and
here is what my values look like
1 1 .25 .75...
I got another error,
The formula you typed contains an error.
* For information about fixing common formula problems, click Help
* To get assistance in entering a function, click OK, then click Function on the insert menu.
* If you are not trying to enter a formula, avoid using...
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