I start out with a list of ip addresses a1-a8.
I use the data set in a1-a8 to perform some function within the unix environment that returns a list completions; another list of ip addresses.
I am trying to figure out how to use Vlookup to compare the
two columns. If an ip address is in column a...
How do I apply $entry->get to the existing field ?
I want to grab user content, a file name and location, and use it elsewhere.
my $filfld = $left2->Entry(-background=>'blue', -foreground=> 'white',
-width=>20, -borderwidth=>3, -relief=>'sunken',)->pack();
passing either scalar to the sub...
lines of text taken from a ascii text file. tar was just something to hit quickly on the keyboard. Not very spontaneously creative about my var and array names :)
most x, y, z's .. alpha bravo charlie -- house car boat etc etc.
qx("notepad @tar");
Tried this doenst work. App starts but doesnt know the path.
Can anyone tell me how this is done. I searched all 4 of my books and the FAQ's .. prolly missing it.
#build body
my $top = $main->Frame->pack(-side =>'top', -fill => 'x');
my $left1 = $top->Frame->pack(-side =>'left',pady => 9, padx => 8);
Im moving along nicely, thinking Im some cool perl guy and when I add the LEFT1 line I get the following error.
running 5.8.8 ...
my $main = MainWindow ->new;
When I execute this snippet of code, by double clicking on x.pl I get the expected results but a cmd window opens.
Is there a way to inhibit the cmd window from opening ?
Ok thanks guys n gals.. definitely helped but got anudder question
Why does this work in unix solaris 5.8.2
#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
open (FILE1, "/tftpboot/fidprow1") or die;
open (FILE2, "/tftpboot/fidprow") or die;
for $line (<FILE1>) {
if (!(grep $line eq $_...
Thanks .. great link too .. cut through alot of bull and give nice examples.
Will let you know how it works tomorrow when I return to the grind.
Thanks Again
...tacacs-server host
tacacs-server timeout 20
banner exec
Quantifier follows nothing in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/* <-- HERE *****************************************************************
/ at ./ssa line 9, <FILE1> line 144.
Soon as it hits the...
if a $result contains the following, what is the best way to grab only 12.2(18)SXF8 ?
SNMPv2-MIB::sysDescr.0 = STRING: Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software
IOS (tm) s72033_rp Software (s72033_rp-ADVENTERPRISEK9_WAN-M), Version 12.2(18)SXF8, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc2)
Copyright (c) 1986-2007...
After racking my brains for a few weeks, I found that
Expects interact will hold and continue / return based on user input. Im now trying to accomplish that with the Perl Expect.pm module. It says ...
# $process->interact([$in_handle],[$escape sequence])
The unix admin folks choose not to give me cron or at access ...
Does Perl have a way of looking at a pcs clock and kicking off a script .. that is that isnt too hard for a wanna be rookie like me to setup :)
Thanks alot folks
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