I modified it, I noticed uneccarry code, sorry about that
local nFolder
nFolder = 6 &&inbox folder
lbOpenOutlook = .f.
on error lbOpenOutlook =.t.
oOutLook = getobject(,"Outlook.Application") &&if outlook is not open this will cause an error and thus set lbOpenOutlook to true
on error
Hi Olaf,
I just copied an pasted a portion of my code, not everything, so yes you wouldnt find any code that converts to pdf
the portion which i copied and pasted scans for subject that is equal to "Convert2PDF"
My question was how to trap it if no results are found in subject = "Conver2PDF"
Hello Experts,
Ive Created a small program that scans through my email and automatically converts word docs to pdf and sends email back to sender. However, if there are no emails with subject = Convert2PDF found it results in error and crashes my application.
Ive googled around and came...
[shadeshappy]Hello Olaf,
There really is no problem, i really just didnt know how to get it to work. But you and Mike provided me with so many different solutions, and they all work thank you , I just finished trying your first solution and it seems to be working aswell.
Thank you once again
Hello, sorry it took me so long to get back busy day today, anyway
@ MikeLewis, I went with your first solution and it works great. Thank you very much, however Id just like to make sure I understand what is happening here, I don't just like to copy and paste code.
so this is how I understand...
Hello Experts,
I have a timer in form1 that refreshes my grid every x amount of seconds. I have another form2 that I call to update information displayed in grid of form1. I disable the timer when i call this form so the refresh does not interfere with my present form form2.
here is how i call...
Hi Mike
This I understand, but lets say Charlie made 5 sales this week
so in column A lets display the 5 sales
loSheet.Range("A6").forumla = "=SUM(A1:A5)"
and then tommorow Charlie has 10 more sales, where is that information going to display when i am SUMing A1:A5 and the result is to be...
Hi Dan
thank you for your response, I tried recording macros but its not much help because as you said I would need to do some fidding to the code, and at this point I dont know.
Would you be able to give me an example using the .UsedRows property as ive never used it before?
Hello Experts,
is is possible to SUM an entire column, lets say the column is (D) and i want to display the result right underneath
I know you can specify in range Example F2:F44
But the problem is i cannot have a set row like for example F45 to display the result, only because tommorow there...
Thank You Tamar
I figured out a safer way of doing this, rather than making escel file readonly
convert to pdf
oSheet.ExportAsFixedFormat(xlTypePDF, (mcExcelFile))
Hello Experts
How would I make my excel workbook ReadOnly, I was only able to find "Mark As Final" which is ok, but i cant seem to get it to work
please help
...is missing and nothing is mis-spelt.
here is my code
local oExcel, oSheet
oExcel = CreateObject([Excel.Application])
if vartype(oExcel) != "O"
* could not instantiate Excel object
MESSAGEBOX("Invoice Auto was unable to open your version of Excel or Excel is not Installed",0+16, ...
Hello Experts
I have a problem with the information being displayed on my excel workbook
here is a diagram of what is suppose to be displayed
Invoice No Description quantity Price
12345 Tires 1 $40
Lights 1 $10...
no, I mean if i enter in something new it doesnt stick\save
so if i enter in "HELLO" and hit enter or tab over it doesnt save?
and yes i did folow the prerequisites
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