i currently have a hash map holding keys with values as follows:
key1=AAA value1=10
key2=BBB value2=20
key3=CCC value3=30
key4=DDD value4=40
i also have an array the same size as the hash map (the above size is 4, so the array would also be size 4). lets say it looks like this...
hi i've got a problem with hash maps
currently i've got a hash map holding words as the keys and count (the number of times the word occurs) as the value.
i would also like to add another column called weights so it would look like
word#1 count#1 weight#1
word#2 count#2 weight#2
hi guys,
is it possible to have a hash map that has one key with two separate values, ie:
key#1 value#1 value#1
key#2 value#2 value#2
key#3 value#3 value#3
key#4 value#4 value#4
i currently have a hash map with one key and one value but wanted to know if the above is possible...
is it possible to match the following characters in perl?
I would like to remove all lines from a file if any of the above characters exist, but obviously they are special pattern matching characters.
any ideas?
i currently have a hash map that counts the number of word occurances (over multiple files) but cumulatively. so i need a way of resetting the value to zero
this line increments the counter when the word is found:
$keywords{$word}++ if (exists $keywords{$word});
i have tried...
I've got a table called 'Images'
and in this table i want the details about images to be stored such as;
'location' i'm storing as a hyperlink to the image itself, and as for 'size' and 'resolution' i would like these to be automatically populated from the file...
the first few lines of solution.java look like this:
public static final int FAIL = 0;
public static final int PASS = 1;
public static final int DISTINCTION = 2;
public static final int[] CATEGORIES = {50,80,100};
* Integer array for storing...
solution.java will vary, it is a control file that will change everytime the program needs to be run.
so, line one (only a single keyword will be on each line) of input is read in and used to search for all occurances of that word in solution.java
then line two of input, then line three of...
Right here's the problem:
i have one file (input), which contains keywords to be matched
and solution.java is the file i want to check through for the keywords.
so far i have written a program that will look at the first line (ie keyword) in input and loop through solution.java to see if it...
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