I am not finding clear information for the acquisition of the new Postal font for Intelligent Postal Barcode. USPS is offering free downloadable solutions for MVS, Word, Excel, Windows, but I see nothing for Crystal. We can purchase Crystal. Has anyone done that and implemented?
There are three types of qualifing records in a case, each record can only qualify for one of the types. I need to total the cases(group) that have that type of record. So, if the case has: 2 type 1, and 3 type 2, but no type 3, it would count 1 for type 1, 1 for type 2, and 0 for type 3. I'm...
Service level goal is 85%. Same day tickets resolved / tickets opened that day = Service level %. In the chart I need to change the color of the Resolved Bar from green to red if service level was not met. Any ideas?
I have two types of incidents: Restoration and Request.
I need to show total records received; total resolved the same day; the percentage of the total with same day resolution; for each of these two type on the same chart. Then show that the goal is set at 85% to incidate where the goal was...
I need to show the group value name in the crosstab total lables.
I am totaling by Department, then by Project, then by
Division. I can get the Field name in the total label,
but I cannot get the group value.
I have a report where I need to display messages just as they are. This is used to proof the message that will be printed using another software.
I have to merge four fields to create one line of the message, then the next four, etc. for up to six lines. The issue is that I am getting a right...
I need to create Global numberVar's in a subreport of the total unique ReqID's to pass to a second subreport. I don't know how to do that using a group, but I also need the distinct count which occurs by using a group option. Can anyone tell me if there is a way to do this.
I need to pass totals from one sub report to another sub report, and I am not totaling them in the main report. Can this be done. Everything I am reading states I can pass from the main to sub, but says nothing about sub to sub.
I need to calculate the difference between two dates and show the result in Days, hrs, mins, and sec. I have converted to seconds, and can calc number of days, but not sure how to subtract the remainder to calc hrs, then mins, and have final sec. The display has to be
"Total DD Day(s) HH...
I need to display the parm values user selected in the Heading of a report. Using Crystal 11.5 I have parameter option for multiple values, so 1 to 4 possiblities. I need to convert the numberic value parm to alpha value equalivant in the header. I receive formula error: This array must be...
I am grouping at Roll, Tax District, Year, Auth Code. I can get this to work at the Year GP3, but not in either of the two upper groups.
numberVar FAuthTAC := 0;
numberVar FAuthCount := 0;
numberVar FAuthTot := 0;
FAuthTAC := sum({ViewTA04.SUM_TACHANGE}...
I wanted to give you a good sampling of the data. I am grouping Roll, Tax Dist, Year, Auth Code. I need to sum at the GP1 Roll level and Grand Total the SUM_TaxChange. I need to only total one TAC per AUTH CODE. Plese note that the MILLAGE_12 wraps in the display...
I need to total at the Roll level not the Year. If I place the formula in the Year GF I get the correct total. If I place the formula in either group prior I still get the last occurance. OM
Using CR XI with TCAccess Views (SQL Views) where there are multiple records for each Auth within each District by year. Each record has the total for the Auth amount field for the district, but only one District total amount is to be summed per Auth.
I have grouped Roll; District; Year; Auth
I think we have it figured out. As you asked I was not testing for the NULLs and creating a test case for each of the occurances.
If(not isnull({prc_Rpt_DailyChangeRequest_Rita;1.Actual_End_Date})) then
if(date({prc_Rpt_DailyChangeRequest_Rita;1.Actual_End_Date}) in {@StartDate} to...
I need a formula for a date range to check two different fields the origianl change request actual end date and the task actual end date. I need to pull the record if either of these dates are within the range.
using record selection I've tried...
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