Even with the errors corrected and the script being fully functional, it gives a peculiar countdown timer. For a better script, see here: https://mindgrader.com/tutorials/1-how-to-create-a-simple-javascript-countdown-timer.
How to: Target IE in, Position in, Center in, Create a Fixed...
It is only a valid in XML, not in (X)HTML. Have this code validated, and the validator will tell you that <note_h1> is an undefined tag:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
PS: the PHP code was taken from the tutorial on http://php.about.com/od/phpwithmysql/ss/mysql_php_2.htm.
How to: Target IE in, Position in, Center in, Create a Fixed ('Sticky') Footer with, and Create a Drop-Down/Fly-Out Menu with CSS: Website Laten Maken Amsterdam.
Getting data from an SQL data table into an HTML table goes something like this (PHP and HTML4):
// Connects to your Database
mysql_connect("your.hostaddress.com", "username", "password") or die(mysql_error());
mysql_select_db("Database_Name") or die(mysql_error());
$data =...
For all three, http://w3schools.com should do nicely. HTML forms the bare contents of a page, CSS the make-up and jQuery does all sorts of things. However, you should first do the Javascript course, because jQuery is a Javascript framework. And there are plenty of things that you can do with...
You should indeed not use tables for layout purposes, but divs or the new HTML5 elements <section>, <header>, <footer>, <article>, <menu> and <aside).
Also, even with a margin and padding of 0, the borders will not be superimposed on each other. Only with absolute positioning, but then you are...
Give the html 100% height, too. That will, however, cause scrolling, so you will have to adjust the divMastercontent height percentage. And the result of that (scrollbar yes/no) may vary with the screen height (actually: innerHeight or clientHeight) of the visitor. If you would like a layout...
I don't wanna judge the quality of my own tutorials, but if every time I asked a question I would be given a direct link to a tutorial that covers the topic like mine does your topic, I'd be the happiest man on earth.
How to: Position in, Center in, Create a Fixed ('Sticky') Footer with, and...
Here's a tutorial on making drop-down menus that describes and cures the problem you're having: Create a Drop-down/Fly-out Menu with CSS.
Be sure to follow all the steps, though (they are extremely easy, even if I say so myself).
How to: Position in, Center in, Create a Fixed ('Sticky')...
Judging from your CSS, you want to make a nested (multi-level) menu. Here's a tutorial on how to do that: Create a Drop-down/Fly-out Menu with CSS.
How to: Position in, Center in, Create a Fixed ('Sticky') Footer with, and Create a Drop-Down/Fly-Out Menu with CSS: Website Laten Maken Amsterdam.
There is:
p:first-child {
margin-top: 0;
Not supported by older IE's, but they did not give the first paragraphs a margin-top by default, so this is a cross-browser solution. Actually, all style sheets should contain this, to even out browser rendering.
How to: Position in, Center in...
@Doc1355: the way to do it is described here: Create a Fixed ('Sticky') Footer with CSS. There are two methods, as you will see.
How to: Position in, Center in, Create a Fixed ('Sticky') Footer with, and Create a Drop-Down/Fly-Out Menu with CSS: Website Laten Maken Amsterdam.
Addendum: with one setting change I even made my IE9 open a real popup rather than a new tab. See here: http://prntscr.com/3ifct. The setting I changed was: Internet Options > Tabs > Settings > 'Always open pop-ups in a new window'. And I have the popup blocker ON....
The code is as follows:
For free help with your personal case, post your question on one of
<a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="PopupCenter('forums-overview.html','Poppert',550,550);">these web design forums</a>
script type="text/javascript" src="x-files/showOverview.js"></script>...
IE9 doesn't open them? My IE9 (on Win Vista) does on my website, be it not in a popup window but in a new tab. However, I now wonder whether there are sub versions of IE9. Could you try to open the bottom link (recommended forums) on...
I'm using window.open and to date I have yet to come across a browser that doesn't open it. The popup blockers generally only block spontaneous popups, not clicked ones. And if a clicked one is blocked, there will appear a message that it was blocked, with the option to have it let through...
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