I have a swf with a dynamic text as content for a scrollpane component. I want to jump to different lines of the text by pressing some buttons. I found this method scrollpane.setScrollPosition(0,100); but it doesn't seem to work. How can I do that? Please help me...
Thank you, one more thing. When I click on the scrollbar the part that can be moved by dragging or with the up and down buttons should move to the position where I click. This isn't very important for me but I want it to move to different parts of the text when I click some buttons. How could I...
So, I want to build a scrollbar that resizes according to the amount of text from a dynamic text box. Something like the one that it is using the Internet Explorer. I found what I want on the Internet, a component called Plasmaplugs Scroll Bar, but it is a trial version and it has some...
I want to create a button that activates a movable zoom area that zooms the text from the area where it is dragged. How can I do that? Please help me...
How should I apply it? It isn't working like this:
the_text.text = "This is the text";
I have a list with the names of possible files that I want to work with. If it reaches at an inexistent file the program should do something and after that it should continue to the next files from the list. I don't know how can I make it go on after it returns an error because it didn't find a...
If I get it right you want to preload correctly at the begining more swf-s that must be shown later...
If you want that read the following thread, I wanted that thing and I was helped...
Thank you. I put the site on a free host. It is 75 kb so I can't see the preloading ( my internet conection is fast ), but it didn't worked well, the first time when something should load it apears after a couple of seconds and the next time I load the same thing it apears instantly...
Thanks a lot!!!
So, it is possible that the site will work fine on the Internet? I will make a try, eaven so the simulate download should work fine, thank you very much again...
I see you are a very good Flash programmer and I would like to start learning Flash seriously, from the beginig, can...
Maybe the external swf-s make Flash crash with the script that you helped me build. Using my previsorious script the simulate works fine, evry time when I load something the preloader begins preloading when a swf is loaded in a level, that's why I wanted all the loading at the begining, for...
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