Dear all,
Thank you for your previous responses.
I wrote a perl script which clears comments (text following '#' in any line) and empty lines from a fortran input file.
Some of my inputs are very lengthy so I write comments followed by '#'. Before using the input as such, I use the script to...
...themselves solves the problem. Thanks to mikrom and GerritGroot.
Note: I did the same also for the case involving floating point values for x, y, z grid coordinates as
the function 'fn' maps the floating point grid coordinate to grid counting index.
IMHO: What you posted could not work.
In one loop you are using step_x:
do x = x_min, x_max, step_x
but in the other loop you are using stepx:
do ind_x = x_min, x_max, stepx
The first code was my guess, I think this how the program I had used gave me only non-zero data. This...
Let me define the problem through the example which I had posted.
I have the grid data
# X Y Z data(X,Y,Z)
1 1 3 0.1
1 2 1 0.2
1 3 2 0.1
1 3 3 0.4
2 1 2 0.5
3 1 1 0.3
3 3 1 0.4
N_data = 7
For 3 grids along x, y, z there...
Here is an example
Actual data for
x_min = y_min = z_min = 1
x_max = y_max = z_max = 3
step_x = step_y = step_z = 1
This is what I want
# X Y Z data(X,Y,Z)
1 1 1 0
1 1 2 0
1 1 3 0.1
1 2 1 0.2
1 2 2 0
1 2 3 0
1 3 1 0
1 3 2 0.1...
...y_min, y_max, step_y
do z = z_min, z_max, step_z
if ( data(x,y,z) .ne. 0) then
N_data = N_data + 1
print *, x, y, z, data(x,y,z)
when data(x,y,z) = 0, the value is not printed. Currently I am simply reading...
I think I used a legacy f77 compiler that came with a linux distribution. A friend of mine later told that he could he could run the code using g77 after 1 or 2 changes.
About this issue, the following link may have some useful info
Dear all,
In a code which I have been trying to generalize,
I have an array of integers for ex.,
A = [1, 2, 3]
then I have multiple do loops as
do i1 = 1, A(1)
do i2 = 1, A(2)
do i3 = 1, A(3)
I want to generalize this code so that...
Hi ArkM,
Including error msgs in a Fortran code unnecessarily makes the code lengthy. I found the following cpp code on the net and like to know if it can be used in a Fortran code.
# define ASSERT(expr) if(.not.(expr))call ASSERT_FAILED(__STRING(expr),__FILE__,__LINE__)
I am looking for a way to use the c++ ASSERT function in a fortran code like for ex.,
allocate (a(10,10), stat=memstat)
I am looking for a way to define the 'ASSERT' function in a header file and include some error msg with line numbers etc. and use it. Can any body...
I think this thread will help you.
You may try to compile and run the program as mentioned in the thread.
- raghu
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