Hello, first I want to start off by saying I'm super new to coding and learning and my project is in Micropython which I guess is a version of python. My question is I have a beginner project I been wanting to do and its almost done except I needed to add a counter for a button. This counter is...
Thanks again stronm I wouldn't have guessed that's how/where!!!! I had to change it a little to get to work correctly.
'Expand or Collaps footer based on tbl_MenuItems field: ExpandFooter
If rs![ExpandFooter] = False Then
If cmdToggleFooter.Caption = "Collapse" Then...
Strongm, I tried yours again and got it working by using the below:
' We need to add the padding
txtItemText.Width = txtItemText.Width + txtItemText.LeftPadding + txtItemText.RightPadding + txtItemText.BorderWidth * 2 * 15 + 50
Can you explain why? Thanks!!
Hello, I have been trying to figure out how to get my switchboards(frm_Switchboard) form footer to expand or collapse based on Yes/No field in table (tbl_MenuItems). If I select an option that requires a start and end then collapse the footer and once dates are entered select the button again...
Actually I had no idea what WizHook was and still don't, that's how I found the code. I also had no idea what the 2 * 15 was for now I do and can modify the numbers a little to get it working. I entered exactly what you had given me as the example with the + Text0.BorderWidth * 2 * 15...
Strongm, I added it and its still not showing the full text, its cutting off half of the last word. I search the web for WizHook because I never heard of that and first thing was the code below so I tried it and It worked but I changed the 40 to 130 because it cut off the last bit also...
Strongm, that works great thank you but one issue. The textbox doesn't extend long enough to show the full text, it cuts off half of the last letter. How do I extend it wider?
Turn that frown upside down....Here is some answers [smile]
I cant because its a bound textbox...
I have to use a text box because its bound and I don't believe you can show data from a table in a label. I will not be typing data into this text box it only displays data that has previously...
Hello, I have a bound textbox named txtItemText and I need to have this textbox expand to the right to fit the text that's displayed. Is this possible and if so how?
I got the highlight figured out... Thanks all for the reply's and final is attached!!!https://files.engineering.com/getfile.aspx?folder=ae932f24-fc6e-4d60-8861-032c9b3c2ceb&file=Lpicker_v3.accdb
Here is an updated version, the only thing is I cant figure out how to mouse over a red border and when text box is selected give text box borderwidth a 2
Ok I been messing with using text boxes to fill the length and im using a mouse over to display length. Next I want to highlight the moused over control, how can I do that?
Hello, I have a table tbl_Sizes and it's field (lengths) has all measurements up to 2"inches. I need to create a picked for those lengths. I wanted to create let's say 40 text boxes named (txt1, txt2) and when the for opens it populates each text box with the data from the table and when clicked...
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