Anyone have experience or ideas of how to find out the last time local administrator privilege was used/escalated in Windows 7. I'm sure theres a way but kinda stumped.
I've been using functions like datepart for years and have used to get the date part of quarter before. My question is....Why does microsoft have several interval types available for quarter (ie. q, qq, quarter). For instance datepart(q,getdate()) and datepart(qq, getdate()) and...
Have you tried to put a stop in your code on line "DropProjects.Items.Add(newListItem)" then hover over the newListItem variable each time it stops. You should be able to see if any values are being populated in that variable. This way you will know for sure that you aren't getting anything...
Check to see if that user (MC90APP) has execute permission on the stored proc (Shops_Get_Projects) on the new SQL Server 2008 R2 install. It sounds like maybe a permissions issue. Also, If you have the sql server sa account info you can try plugging that into the server string to pinpoint if...
Gooser, We keep a "CurrentPerson" table and a "HistoryPerson" table. In the "HistoryPerson" table we have a start and end date, with the most current record having a null end date. Then use the COALESCE function like you were talking about in the where clause so that when a null end date is...
Hi WB, Declaring the variable as varchar(max) will get you past the 8,000 character/byte restriction. varchar(max) allows up to 2 GB of data in the field/variable.
I finally was able to get on a pc with crystal and have updated the code a bit to allow for part3. The use of the length() function will overcome the issue with some characters taking up less space than others. However, if everything still doesn't space out the same then do the following...
I recently started prepping for the 70-432: SQL Server 2008 Implementation and Maintenance exam. My plan is to use the Microsoft Self Paced training kit and the Microsoft BOL (Books OnLine) reference and of course hands on prepping. Would anyone who's passed suggest anything else? Also, Are...
The following should get you what you need. Just replace "YourTable" in the From statements with the name of your table.
select ',',convert(varchar,B.X)
From YourTable B
Where B.ID=A.ID
Order by B.Y
for XML Path('')...
This should get you what you are trying to do. Right click the cross tab. Go to Cross-Tab Expert. Click on Customize Style tab. Under the Columns: section, click on the name of the column you want the header to change color. Still on the Customize Style tab select a differenct Background...
If you were going to have only 1 value in each column you could do the following.
SELECT max(A.Service1), max(A.Service2), max(A.Service3), A.Code, A.DTE
FROM YourTable A
group by A.DTE, A.Code
Try the following code. I'm assuming if there are any variables with "UseAreas" as the VarName then create view 1, if not then create view2.
use [Core];
declare @sql1 as nvarchar(max);
declare @sql2 as nvarchar(max);
set @sql1='create view [dbo].[XV_Authorities] as '
Try initializing part2 in the do..while statement and subtracting the length of part1 and the length of part3 from 80. Then concatenate the page number to the part2 variable. Also, I removed the 30 spaces from part1 because I don't think you'll need that doing it this way. This should allow...
Try this function. It takes 2 parameters - input number and base number. After it is created use the function with 36 as base number, example = select dbo.F_NUMB_TO_BASE(153245,36)
create function dbo.F_NUMB_TO_BASE (
@Number numeric(32,0),
@Base int
returns varchar(110)
The only other options you would have would be to: 1.) insert/update the records in the ITEM_CHANGE table at the time you insert/update to the source table in the application (if you are the programmer for the app). OR 2.)Create a stored procedure that would run nightly or hourly that would...
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