thanks, tried this one already, download it from technet. it only changes network connected printers and does change printers configured on a local port. on windows 8 it does nothing at all.
I’m wanting a vb that can change the local printer ports settings, if a printer is installed using a local port that points to a print server, I need to change the server name so it points to the same printer that's located on another server?
registry location for the ports is...
thanks this really is a lot cleaner :-)
just out of interest is there a wild card that can be used for all subfolders for a specific folder and also a wild card for all extension?
c:\ftpdata\all subfolders and all extensions?
thanks again :-)
the below script runs and doesn't output any errors but its doesn't delete the files. just wondering if anyone could help with this please :-)
dim fso, fldr, x
set fso = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
set fldr = fso.getfolder("C:\FTPdata")
for each x in fldr.files
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